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Ethan's POV

I can't believe that happened. I was waiting for Madison at her locker, when all of a sudden Lexi comes up to me right when Madison walked out of the room with Lip. When I found out what happened. I couldn't help but hate myself. I looked into Maddie's eyes and they're full of sorrow and sadness. Stray tears that she failed to keep in, were now freely dropping down her face.

After Lip and Madison left the school, Lexi went back to kissing me.

"what is your problem?!" I scream at Lexi's face.

"nothing babe, I just love how now we don't have to hide our relationship anymore." She says whispering in my ear.

"we don't have a relationship. Just because we dated last year, doesn't mean you can just come back to me, while I have a beautiful girlfriend and kiss me like we never broke up!" I storm off to the cafeteria and get my lunch.

"I heard what happened with you and the new girl, Madison. People were saying that Satan Spawn [AN// Satan Spawn is what Ethan and his friends call Lexi] was making out with you, and your girlfriend saw." Dylan says behind me.

"yeah, I just can't believe Lexi did that. She honestly needs to get over me." We both pay for our lunch and sit on our table. Usually, it's Dylan, Jake, Tom, and I. But, Jake and Tom ditched us for some other group, we still talk and hang out though. I pulled out my phone and looked at my wallpaper. It was Madison and I 2 days ago, when we went on our first date.


Madison and I went to see Ouija on our first date. I picked this movie so then she has an excuse to cuddle up with me.

"Ethan, I hate you so much. More than I hate horror movies."

"I love you too. More than I love horror movies." I say kissing her forehead and waiting for the previews to end. PREVIEWS TAKE FOREVER TO END!! After a couple minutes, the movie started. Right away, Madison starts clinging on to my arm and putting her head in arch of my neck.

After the movie ended, we decided to go to McDonalds because why not? I got us chicken nuggets, fries, and dr.pepper. I walked back to our table and saw Madison taking weird selfies on her phone. I decided to pretend I was texting someone and I to take a secret picture of Madison. What I didn't know, was that she was also taking a secret picture of me. I showed her the picture and she showed me hers. We decided to make it our wallpapers. That was the day, when I knew she was the love of my life.


"What should I do?" I ask Dylan.

He shrugs and says, "I don't know...how about you go over to her house and apologize."

"okay, i'll try." We finished eating our lunch and it was time for 5th period. Both, Dylan and I have English. So does Madison.

She walks into the classroom and sits down in front of me without making any eye-contact.

Dylan leans over to me and whispers, "she's giving you the cold shoulder...that's cold bro."

"Mrs. Lush, [AN//MATTHEW LUSH IS MY BABY UNICORN!!!!!!! Fangirl moment over*] may I go use the restroom?"

"Yes you may, Mr. Cutkosky."

I walk out the door and walk over to the bathrooms. I walked in and did my business. I then noticed that there were two people in one stall, pounding, what I supposed were their backs on the bathroom stall walls. I finished pissing and went to wash my hands. The stall door opened and out came Lexi. She had three huge, red, bruised hickeys on her neck, and her shirt wasn't even buttoned on the right way. She saw me and immediately ran out, and then the second person came out.



It was Lip.

AN// left you on a little cliffhanger huh? Thank you for 500+ reads!

What do you think is going to happen in the next chapter? Guess in the comment section below, and if your guess is correct. I will dedicate the next chapter to you and you will become a new character in the book...if you want.

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See you next chapter! Byeeeee!

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