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Madison's POV

I can't believe I actually liked Lip. I was walking over to the parking lot and saw Ethan leaning on the gym wall. I wiped some of my tears and ran up to him. I jump into his arms and i fell like i'm at home, in his arms.

"i'm so sorry Madison." Ethan says, still hugging me.

"It's okay, i shouldn't have trusted Lip...He just seemed so nice." I say sobbing into his shirt. He pulls back and looks at me with his beautiful green eyes. Ethan took his thumb and wiped away the tears falling from my eyes. "He said he wanted me, but then he ditched me for Lexi, who i guess is hotter and will actually bang his horny ass."

"Do you want me to drive you to your house?" Ethan asks me.

"Sure..." We walked over to his JEEP and drove home.


"Thanks for driving me home..." I kissed Ethan on the cheek and walked over to my house. When I walked in, I put my backpack in the kitchen counter and saw a note. It read:

Mads, I'm not going to be home until tomorrow morning. sorry I have to leave you alone.

wow, thanks dad...just leave me here at home alone.

I go upstairs to my room and went to take a shower. after my shower, I went outside of my bathroom with a towel over my body. I got some underwear, pajama shorts, and Ethan's sweatshirt from when we first hung out. I put it on, it still smelled like him, and I missed having myself in his arms. I dried my hair and put it in a loose, messy bun. I grabbed my phone from the desk counter and went on Instagram. I saw that Ethan posted a picture of me [AN// picture posted on top] the caption was:

@ekat19: my beautiful baby @madisonmiler. Blue eyes, if your seeing this, I'm sorry for what I did. I never wanted you to  get hurt. I hope you forgive me...

I thought to myself how it wasn't Ethan who hurt me, it was Lip. I then took a picture of me wearing Ethan's sweatshirt and posted it on Instagram with,

@madisonmiller: @ekat19 I forgive you. It wasn't your fault anyway. I miss being in your arms...by the way, i'm keeping your sweatshirt.I posted the picture and put my phone on the charger and usually its hard for me to fall asleep. but when I put Ethan's sweatshirt...I could sleep with no problem.

AN// RELATIONSHIP GOALS!!! guys, guess what! WE HIT 1K READS!!!!!!!! OMF! thank you so much for reading this book. if it wasn't for you guys, I would have deleted this book already. thank you thank you thank you!!! next chapter, next week...byee

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