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Ethan's POV

"Lip?!" I question.

"hey Ethan...I can explain." he says putting his hands up in surrender and backing up. I walk up to him, and every time I took a step, he would back up.

"why would you do that to Madison!?" I scream at his face.

"woah, Ethan. Calm down there bro."

"I can't just calm down. you act like you like Madison then you go and bang Lexi in a bathroom!" I then punch his nose and he bends over. I knee him in the head and he falls on his knees. I kick him on both of his sides for a couple minutes, then I squat down and said, "stay away from Madison, and remember. Wash your hands before you exit."

I stand up and walk out the bathroom and walked back to Mrs. Lush's class. I looked at Madison while walking to my desk. Her blue eyes focused on my knuckles. she had a shocked expression on her face. I sat down in my seat and Dylan passed me a note saying,

What's with ur knuckles?

I wrote back saying,

Lip was with Lexi in the bathroom...Madison doesn't know that...

I give Dylan the note and the class door opened. The principal came in, scanned the room and then walked out. Weird.

"okay, everyone. turn to page 3 of your textbooks. read the passage to yourself while I go find out why Mr. Tate randomly walked in here." all the students turned their pages and started reading. Mrs. Lush walked out the room, and every started messing around. Dylan cleared his throat and tapped on Madison's shoulder.

"hey, Madison right?"

she nodded and push back a strand of hair behind her ear.

"that's me..."

"I'm Dylan. nice to meet you." he says shaking her delicate hands. "this is Ethan..." what is he trying to do?

"yeah, I know." she looks at me with those peircing blue eyes. I decide to smile, she slightly smiled back and looked back to Dylan.

"so, are you single?" I shot a 'really?!' look at Dylan.

"uhm..." Madison looked to me and stuttered out, "n-no?" but it came out more like a question. Madison and I were just staring at each other, then the classroom door opened, and Mrs. Lush, and Lip came in. Lip saw me and looked at Madison. He sat in the front and pulled out his phone. His fingers tapped on his screen and then, Madisn's phone started vibrating.

"Miss. Miller, phone's off or on silent please."

"okay, sorry. it won't happen again." Madsion pulled out her phone and read Lip's text. She replied and put her phone back in her pocket and sighed.

•After School•

Lip's POV

I texted Madison to meet me under the bleachers after school so then I can explain what happened with Lexi.

"so, what do you want to talk about?" Madion says.

"well, let's start with how Lexi and Ethan were making out at ur locker. Lexi wanted Ethan, and I wanted you. so, we made a plan. it worked. but then, I found Lexi and we might have banged in the bathrooms. Ethan found us and that's why I have cuts and bruises on my face." Her eyes started to water and she said, "so this whole time, you never really liked me?"

"no...I wanted you but then I noticed that Lexi was hotter." She looked taken back and slapped me across the face.

Madison then walked away sobbing. what's weird is that I don't even feel bad about it...

AN// hey guys...I wrote this chapter a couple days ago, and decided to publish it so then you guys are happy. Hope you liked it.

Do you guys think Madison and Ethan will get back together?

see you next chapter! Bye my loves!

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