The Stars

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Erza POV

I walked away from Jellal, the tears daring to escape my eyes, this is the worst... ever! I looked back to be seeing Jellal's back from a distance, it looked like he was going to cry, and what i wouldn't give to go over to him and pull him into an embrace. Although i couldn't, because again he was married, and i was not, he was an heir to a multibillion company, and me? i was a wedding planer, someone who doesn't belong to such a amazing a bright futured young man.

i entered the hall where the rehearsal was at, Ultear walked up to me, i knew because i could hear the click of her heels on the floor, "May i have a word Ms. Scarlet?" she asked, i nodded and followed her into the hall, "look i just wanted to ask," she seemed serious, and a little said, "are you fucking my fiance?" although she was so blunt.

"Umm..." i was dumbfounded, i didn't know what to say, i mean its what you hear everyday, "i don't know what you mean," i said.

"Is my soon to be husband having sex with you," she said, bluntly.

"Look, all do respect, but i have no idea what you are assuming," i lied.

"Better question..." it was like her aura changed, "why are you bluffing to me?"

"Look i am so sorry," i apologized, "i promise that after this wedding i will never see Mr. Fernandez," i said, "i give you my word."

She walked away, after that i decided to skip the dinner, and everybody else did to, i guess it really want that important, i went to my car, to only find it to be towed, "Great," i said, "things cant possibly get worse can it?" i mumbled, that's when the rain and thunder hit, i was pouring, and i had left my jacket in my car, although the other thing is that i left my keys in the car, along with my house key, i guess i should just go and walk to Juvia's house, i mean she did live close, i walked along the road, in heels and a dress, shivering my ass off, and since it was raining, and i was in a pretty somber mood i started to cry, which was very unlike me.

Beep! Beep!

I heard a car pull up by me, the window rolled down to reveal a smirking Jellal, "need a ride?" he asked.

"No," i said, although i was shivering.

"I'm not going to leave until you agree," he said, "so you might as well get in," he said.

I rolled my eyes, he got out of the car and put his jacket on me, "i don't want you getting a cold," he said, and opened the car door for me, and i hopped into the passenger seat.

We drove, although the thing is he passed my apartment, and i and the assumption he would just take me home, even though it would be a waste of time without my keys and all, "where are we going?" i asked.

"My place," he said while driving.

"Jell-" i was interrupted, he had kissed me during a red light, and i know we kissed already, but some how it was different, and even with me being soaking wet, under his jacket, and his being partly wet, i felt a burst of hit energy flow through like a canyon. His lips felt like two butterfly wings pressed up against my lips, it was a little harsh, but very enjoyable, he had entangled his fingers into my hair, pulling me in closer, "al," i finished the rest of his name.

He started to drive when the light turned green, we stayed in silent through out the whole time, until we got to Jellal's apartment, he walked out, and then he guided me inside, although i held back little, by putting more space in between us, but we were still in arms length, "look Jellal, i still am very opposed to our relationship when you are married, or at least almost married," i said, i looked down into my reflection in the puddle, although i did not realize the sudden kiss i was pulled int, it was harsh, but passionate, i felt fireworks going on, and i loved it, Jellal pulled me up, making me stand on my tippy-toes my hands laid on his chest, his hands on my wait, just enclosing the space even more, i was most shocked when Jellal licked the bottom of my lips for and entrance into my mouth, although he slopped it in when i was in complete shock, i moaned, and i could feel him smile through the smile.

i broke the kiss, in fact we both did at the same time, he pulled me into the lobby, then into the library, once we reached his floor he dashed to his room while holding onto my hand, when he closed the door as fast as he opened it, he shut it as fast as he could making a big clash sound with the wall, the thing is he wasn't to keen on waiting so cornered my to the door and smashed he lips on mine, i was in shock and pleasure, his hand lifted my leg and he started to skim my thigh seductively, and his other hand, now along with the one skimming my leg picked me up, and i gasped at the sudden action. He moved towards more of his bedroom, and laid me down on the bed, i was, again at a lost for words, i was in the bedroom of the Jellal Fernandez, and he was very sexy right now, although i know this is wrong, and i keep and keep on going, i feel so bad, because i am about yo do something romantic with a man in engaged, and it isn't a good feeling to know that he his engaged and playing with some other women, i dont want to imagine how Ultear is feeling.

I broke out of my thoughts when Jellal's hands had skimmed up my dress, he pulled it up revealing my black laced under garments, he dragged the clothing off my body, above my head, and once it was fully off, and i could see again, i was astonished to feel Jellal's lips on mine, "Erza," he said, i looked down at him, 'I am going to make love to you...okay,"

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