I made a Mistake

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Erza POV

I just was locked in my room, Jellal had called me a dozen times, but I never answered.

He kept on leaving messages in my voice box, "Hey Erza I know your home, can you please pick up?" Was most of them.

When afternoon came I decided I needed to go to the pre-wedding, I looked absolutely stunning in my dress, and I looked great, and I had put on make up, my eyes were a little swollen but it was fine.

Jellal POV

I was waiting outside, I was pacing back and forwth thinking left and right, I was worried, what if I actually ruined what Erza and I had? To be honest we didn't have that much, but it was still important.

A car pulled up into the parking lot, out came Erza, she was absolutely beautiful, breathtaking, stunning, and her dress hugged every curve, leaving and clear view of her chest. she did meet my gaze, she only walked forward, pass me.

I grabbed her arm, more rough then I wanted to, I pulled her close to me into a hug, she didn't say anything, but she pushed me away.

"Erza, please," I said still with my hand on hers.

She shook it off, and continued walking away.

I felt as I was just stabbed a million times, and it hurt badly, her eyes were a little swollen, probably because she was crying so much. I mean to know that your bestfriend from way back is ignoring you hurts.


It was at least the beginning of highschool, Erza and I were eating, talking, laughing... dating.

Life was pretty smooth, no rough edges, all was good... almost everything was effect though.

My father, the head of the Fernandez Industry, wanted me to live a fullfilling life, so he wanted me to stay away from Erza, I got a little crazy the night he said it so, I drank, alot, the next thing I knew was I was in a car, I woke up to find myself in the hospital, and me dad told me that it was a car accident and that Erza and I should stay away from each other for now on, and so I did, although it sucked ass, she's always on my mind, and dreams, everything I look at I think of her, an apple, a rose, a sunset, sunrise, everything, and it was killing me.

But the thing that was killing me most was I was going propose, that ended all in college.

"Jellal!" Ultras called me, her annoying voice ringing in my ears.

"What do you want?" I asked bitterly.

"Hurry up and get your ass inside." she demanded.

"Fine," i stomped pass her, the only reason why I went in was because Erza was in anyways.

Once I made it inside it wasn't hard to recognize the red haired beauty, she was putting in the first order for the bridesmaids and grooms.

I came up behind her acting as if I was planning with her, "hey," I started.

Erza POV

"Hey," he said as he came up behind me.

I didn't answer him, he would probably just love to me or something, "look I would understand if you didn't want to talk to me, but at least hear me out," he pleaded, I almost gave in to him.

I turned around and said, "I think your wife is calling you," I said.

In that spilt second Jellal grabbed my wrists, hard, and dragged me to the halls, no one could hear us, to a storage room, when I looked at his face he was mad, angry, it was frightening.

Jellal POV

Hell to my wife I don't care about her at all, in a rush I was angry, I mean a explosion of feelings rushed through me, sadness, anger, disappointment, and confusion. so I dragged Erza to a storage room where I could talk to her privately.

"Let go of me Mr. Fernandez!" She demanded, to be honest it was cute how she struggled.

"You know I don't like formalities, so stop with the crap!" I shouted back, she was shocked and little scared to, I looked at her, her brown eyes, beuatiful, although her eyes were a tint swollen, her hair was so beuatiful to, I couldn't look away, "look I'm sorry," I said.

"For what?" She hissed.

"For not telling you about anything, I remember," I said, "but I can't stand it if you ignore me!" I said.

"Let go of me," her voice was cold, it seemed like I did a number on her.

"Erza!" I shoved her against the wall, "just listen goddamit," she was taken aback by my sudden change in character, I could tell.

"You have five minuets," she said.

"Fine," I was relieved, "okay so back in the beginning of college, and in the end of highschool we were dating," I looked at her, her eyes wide, "and well my parents didn't like the idea of us being together," she looked down to her feet, "I got mad and wanted to drink it off, so me, you, and Simon went drinking, I had a bottle to much, so I was drunk," I paused as my eyes got a little watery, "we were driving, Simon was, you were sleeping calmly in the back, I was drunk but I remember thinking, God, you were beuatiful, an I was the most luckiest guy in the world, although after that I distracted Simon, and we crashed, I found my self with an aching head, I had to get stitches on my shoulder, I was bandaged, and my dad said, "you can't see her again, it will lead you to no where" I haven't seen you since but I did miss very much Erza," I finished.

I backed away, her bangs over shadowing her face, "look I would have told you sooner but I just couldn't," I finished.

The next thing I knew I was crying but I hadn't noticed because an angel had kissed me, I swear Erza lips brushing against mine was the most beuatiful thing ever, she had wrapped in hand on my neck,and the other had duh into my hair, I placed my arms on her hips, deepening the kiss, the tears on both our eyes had been falling.

We broke apart for air, a thin line of saliva from both our mouths, "don't cry," she said, I was confused, "please don't cry," she pleaded.

I pushed my forehead against hers, "look... I made a mistake, and I regret it all, but just give me a second chance." I said.

She stepped back, "look I want to so badly, but your getting married tomorrow," she said, "your wife changed it so you guys could get married quicker, I am sorry but after this we can't see eachother anymore," she confessed.

"No!" I shouted, the tears flooding my face, "I can't take that, I won't take that!" I shouted.

I grabbed onto her waist and smashed my lips onto hers, I managed to slip tounge into her mouth making her moan, she broke the kiss, "its okay," she said, "with her you wil have a very happy life," she left after that, getting further and further away from me.

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