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Jellal POV

I woke up to the smell of strawberries, when I thought it was actually strawberries I got up from the bed, turns out it was scarlet locks sprawled over the sheets, and I was snuggling with Erza, then at that moment I recalled last night.

I poked at her cheek, "Erza... erza," I said, she just said, "leave me alone give me five more minuets," that until I pinched her cheek really hard, her cheek turned red, and she shot up from the bed.

"What was that fo-" before she could finish her sentence I kissed her passionately on the lips.

When we broke apart for air I chuckled and said, "last night, was amazing," she flushed red.

"But- what abou-" I kissed her again, frankly I didn't want her to preach on how I was engaged, she cupped my face, so she does like this does she?

I put an arm around her waist and fell backwards, she was on top, our mouths not breaking apart, I deepen the kids did by pulling her head closer to mine, and by forcing my tong into her mouth.
She moaned totally out of pleasure.

To my disappointment she broke the kiss, "now I got to change," she said.

I stuck out my tong and i heard her chuckle, she came out on a pretty blue dress, the fabric made the dress go up easily, she wore brown heels made of leather, and a silver bracelet, i cam up behind her and hugged her, "you know your some hot piece of heaven," I said.

"Jellal, I do expect you to get married, and want that happen when in two days right?" I frowned, "and we shouldn't be doing this," she said, she stepped back a little, although u caught both her risks in both my hands and pulled her closer, "I just can't do that," I said.

"J-Jellal," she stuttered.

"Ever since i saw you again I haven't been able to sleep, now that I finally have you, I don't want to even think about letting you go again," I said.

"Again?" Crap, she knows.

"Wait before you-" she interrupted me.

"So you knew me this whole time...and you never even said anything about it!" She was shouting, and knowing her she didn't care who else was listening.

"Look Erza before re you say anything-" she interrupted me again.

"I told you everything, and you took advantage on that,how the hell could you do that," she was fighting so hard to hold back the tears.

"Erza if you just-" she never heard me out.

"What else did you lie about huh? Please if you really know me!" She screamed, she pushed me away.

"Wait just wa-"

"Get the hell out of my house!" She screamed, "now!" She shouted.

I was out of the house, half-naked, "Erza open up!" I banged on her door, I knew that she was just leaning against the door, I just banged harder.

"Erza please open up, I'll explain everything!" I said, "just open up," I pleaded.

"Go away," I knew she was crying from behind the door, "I don't want to see you after your wedding... ever!" Her words hurt more than death.

I walked away after putting my class he's back on, I had no choice, I had to cry.

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