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Erza POV

I thought I would find myself in fairytail but I found myself in someone's house, it looked liked Jellals, not to mention I was wearing something else entirely.

Then the door opened, revealing Jellal, shirtless, I averted my gaze, "oh your awake," he said tiredly.

I looked back trying not to go crazy, "yeah, to my surprise I'm not in Fairytail," I said, "mind telling me how I got changed?" I asked.

"Oh well I did that, don't worry I won't tell," I flushed red, he saw me in my underwear!

"Well why did I have to change?" I asked.

"Your clothes were all wet from the rain storm we had last night." he said.

Jellal POV

I was in bliss, the girl I love was in my room half naked, her hair was in bits but it looked very sexy, I had to do it with all my power to get self control.

"So umm, can ihave my clothes now?" She asked.

"Oh yeah," I said, I ran to the living room and got her clothes.

I cam back she was out of bed and waiting patiently, her legs were long and slim, her bra you could see them due to the over sized shirt, I tossed her her clothes.

I walked out to give her privacy. "god what am I getting myself into?" I asked myself.

When Erza came out she was wearing the outfit she wore last night, "hey do you work today?" I asked.

She shook her head, "I work on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday," she said.

"It's already Wednesday? I guess I getting married soon then, at least a few days," I said.

"Yeah it's been fun working with you," she said.

I walked closer to her, "want to hang out today, we are friends right?" I asked.

She nodded, "I would love to," she said.

After eating breakfast we went outside to the car, then we drove to the park, "okay besides your job and all what do you like the do?" She asked.

"Oh well I like to go a do stuff like this, walk, go to parks, yeah it's awesome," I said.

"Yeah that's sounds fun," she said, "aside from planning I like to go to fairytail, and if it's not that then I usually stay home or go to a movie."

"So umm well-" my eyes saw crimson car, it was coming our way, and like last time Erza was slow at the sudden situation, I
Pulled on her hand and she came on my chest, I blushed a little when her breast hit my chest, they were soft if anything else.

When the car passed I looked down at her, "you okay?" I asked worriedly.

She nodded in fear from the car, I smiled and patted her on the head,"good, I was getting worried their for a second," I said.

She smiled out of happiness I could tell from her eyes.

Eventually we found ourselves in Fairytail, it was already 6:30, so the place was rowdy and crazy, I could here my cousin and brother-in-law bickering out dumb nicknames, "Stripper!"



"Flame brain!"

The nicknames seemed to be endless.

Erza sat with some girls while I on the other hand sat next to the blonde hair guy and a guy with this reddish-orange hair, "so who are you, I saw you last night but didn't catch you name," the blonde guy said.

"Newly eh? Has my daughter versed you in a drinking battle yet?" The other guy asked.

"Ugh my name is Jellal, and that was your daughter?" I asked.

"Well Jellal what are you doing with Erza?" Laxus asked.

"Ugh nothing," he sounded like an overprotective brother.

"Good," he said, "as long as it's nothing bad," he said.

Erza POV

I was sitting with the girls, "so whose the blue haired guy?" Lisanna asked.

"Him? Oh he's a new friend," I said.

"Does he like you Erzy?" She asked.

"I don't think so, he's getting married in five days, so no," I said.

"Well you never know it
Could be like those movies where the guy runs to the girl he really loves and leaves the other one," Lucy said.

"No, I don't think so, I don't think that actually happens," I said.

Nobodies POV

Jellal, being a gentleman, walked Erza home, he stepped into Fairy Hills, in front of Erzas apartment, "okay so I'll see you and Ultear tomorrow to plan out the rehearsal dinner," she said.

"Yeah," He said.

They stood there in the awkward silence, "well bye," Erza said, she reached for the handle and she she twisted it another hand grabbed hers and pulled her in an embrace, she was shocked more than ever.

She came faced with Jellal, he was looking her straight the eyes, his hand had been rested on her lower back, and his other hand had laid under her hair in her head.

Jella moved fastly, placing his lips on hers while walking forward so she was backed up against a wall. Erza moaned as he bit on her lip, meaning he wanted more.

"Erza, please," he said.

"Jellal, this is wrong, and you know that," she said.

Jellal didn't care, he opened her door surprised it was unlocked, the. He pulled her inside, once he got into her apartment he locked the door, "I know this is wrong, " he said getting closer, "but you can't tell me you can't feel it to," he said, "it's something you felt before," he said, "but you don't remember," he said.

"Look I just don't want to-" Jellal slammed his lips on to hers, his hands cupping her face, Erza gave in, she placed her hands on his.

"You won't, because I know you," he said.

Erzas eyes widen, "so you've known me all this time?" She asked surprised.

He nodded, "the first time I meant you," he gave her brief kisses, "which was in highschool," he paused for a kiss, "then college," he said, "I have always," he paused, "wanted to do this with you," he looked at her, "please let me take you tonight." he pleaded.

Erza nodded, tears forming in her eyes.

Warning: Next chapter will
Be sexual content. skip next chapter if you do not read sexual content, please do not report my book of you do not like it.

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