Chapter 19 - Room

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"*pants* *pants* This is bad, I'm losing stamina faster than I thought," Law thought.

He rushed until he saw Bepo waving from the submarine.

"Captain! We're all set to sail!" Bepo yelled.

"*sigh* Thank goodness," Law said as he let out a relieved breath.

Suddenly, Bepo's expression changed and he pointed towards Law's back.

"Captain!! Watch out!!"

"Black Vortex!" a familiar voice could be heard behind Law's back, but he didn't manage to dodge it in time.

"GAH! ARK!" He grunted.

The dark power sent Law flying through the air, causing him to lose his grip on Y/n and the sack.


Y/n hit the ground hard and let out a pained groan.

Law's anger increased upon hearing Y/n's groaning.

"You guys are so irritating," he muttered, casting a deadly glance at Blackbeard.

"ZEHAHAHA! You're right, Augur! We need to follow this rat to its hiding place," Blackbeard exclaimed victoriously.

"Hmph, I thought he'd be more trouble, but it seems he's easier to handle than I expected," Augur responded.

"Augur, Burgess! Our target is their ship! Sink it to the bottom of the sea so they can't escape this island!" Blackbeard commanded.

"Okay, so that's your plan," said Law as he stood up and quickly picked up Y/n along with the sack.

"ROOM. SHAMBLES!" he shouted, using his ability to teleport them to the submarine.

"Bepo, take care of her and this sack," he instructed.

"Aye aye, Captain! Whoa, this is a terrible injury, is she going to be okay?" asked Bepo.

"She lost a large amount of blood, so please stop her bleeding and let her rest. Go! You guys must leave now while I handle these guys!" Law ordered.

"How about you, Captain? You can't beat the Blackbeard Pirates alone!" yelled one of the crew members.

"ZEHAHAHA! He's right! Hand over her to us or this place will become your grave!" threatened one of the Blackbeard Pirates.

Without hesitation, the captain jumped off the submarine and ran towards the Blackbeard Pirates.

"Captain!!!" shouted the crew, worried for his safety.


A few days before the arrival of Heart Pirates at Sabaody Archipelago, Y/n leaned against the railing while Law napped, using Bepo as a cushion.

"Hey, Law, how big of a circle can you create with your 'ROOM'? I mean, what is its maximum radius?" Out of nowhere, Y/n asked a question.

Law was silent for a while before replying with an uninterested tone. "...Why do you want to know? It's none of your business," he said.

"Man, you're so mean. I am just curious, but it's okay if you don't want to tell me. I know you're afraid that I can make the circle bigger than yours. It's okay, I'm fine with that," Y/n replied with a sly smirk.

An irk appeared on Law's temple. "Tch."

"Heh," Y/n smiled with satisfaction when she saw her captain wake up from Bepo and walk up towards her.

"I can engulf that whole island if I want," he pointed towards the island in front of them.

"Sure, prove it," Y/n smiled and crossed her arms.


The entire submarine and the island were enveloped in a blue circle within a few seconds. Y/n widened her eyes, amazed by Law's power. But the circle didn't last long as Law retreated his hand and sat on the floor.

Y/n crouched down at the same level as Law and asked, "Hey, are you okay? What happened?"

Law took a deep breath before he spoke, "The bigger the size of the 'room' I make, the more stamina I use. That's one of the Ope Ope Fruit's weaknesses."

Y/n hummed, understanding what he meant. Suddenly, an idea popped into her head. She immediately touched Law's hand and ran towards the railing.

"Listen, Law! Let's make a bet! If I can make a bigger circle than you within the next three months, you have to agree to fulfil my request," Y/n stated confidently.

Law raised an eyebrow and asked,

"And what happens if you fail to make a bigger circle than me?"

Y/n hesitated for a moment before responding,

"I will do whatever you ask me to do."

Law considered the proposal for a moment and then nodded.

"Alright, it's a deal," he said as he shook Y/n's hand.


"*gasp* Law!"

Y/n regained consciousness and pushed Bepo crawling towards the railing to look at him.

"Y/n-chan! What are you doing? You shouldn't move, or else your injuries will become more severe," Bepo caught up with her and carefully held her waist.

"Ergh, let me go," Y/n wriggled out of Bepo's grasp and leaned against the railing. She outstretched her hand and made a gesture to activate her power.


A blue circle rapidly engulfed the entire submarine, successfully covering the entire island within seconds.

"Not yet, I need to make it bigger! AHHH!" Y/n pushed herself beyond the limit, causing the circle to expand.

"Y/n-chan, I begged you, please stop!" Bepo yelled.

Meanwhile, on the island. Law and Blackbeard noticed with the blue circle they were in.

"Tch, that pesky girl. I told her not to overuse the power, she never listens," Law clicked her tongue and drew his katana.

"Huh?! What's this? What are you trying to do Trafalgar?!"

"Sadly, it's not mine"

"ERRRR! Blackhole!" Blackbeard unleashed his power towards the same goes for Law.

"Injection Shot!"


In a weakened state, Y/n twisted her hand and collapsed on the floor with blood stained on her body everywhere.

Law and the submarines were suddenly teleported to the opposite side of the island, approximately 100 meters away. This allowed the Heart Pirates to escape from the Marines and the Blackbeard Pirates.

Law's eyes widened in shock as he saw Y/n's lifeless body lying on the ground. He immediately ran towards her and carefully picked her up, holding her in a bridal style.

"...Shit! Y/n!" he exclaimed with a look of concern on his face.

"Prepare to submerge, Bepo!" he ordered.

"Aye aye, Captain!" replied Bepo, following his orders.

All of the crew hurried into the submarine and quickly pushed the operation bed on which Y/n was lying.

"Take her to the operation room!"

The yellow submarine submerged and sailed away from the island.

My best friend forever (Trafalgar Law X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن