Chapter 3 - Devil Fruit

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"Look at me..." he commanded. His eyes darkened in anger and his hand was still gripping Y/n wrist.

"Look, Law! I-I can explain this!" Y/n stuttered while rubbing the back of her neck.

"Bepo!" he exclaimed.

"Aye, aye, Captain!" Bepo answered and came immediately near them.

Law pulled Y/n towards Bepo and cause her face to land on the fluffy fur of Bepo. "Umph!"

"Keep an eye on her, make sure she doesn't take off the sunglasses," he commanded.

"Hey, you! How dare you treat a lady like that! You supposed to treat lady more gentle!" the yellow-haired man exclaimed and tried to attack Law but was stopped by the orange-haired woman.

"Sanji-kun, stop. Rayleigh has successfully removed the explosive collar. We must get out of here quickly before the navy came!" she exclaimed.

"The navy's already here," Law smirked. "The navy was here way before the auction started and were surrounding this hall the entire time," Law said calmly.

"WHAT?! REALLY?!" The long nose man exclaimed.

"Thanks for the laugh, Straw Hat Pirates" Law chuckled slightly.

"You must be Trafalgar Law. Luffy, he's a pirate," the black-haired woman said.

"The bear too?" Luffy pointed at Bepo.

"Yeah, Bepo is our crew too!" Y/n exclaimed.

"Who are you? Are you a pirate?" Luffy asked.

"Of course, I'm a vice-captain of Heart Pirates," Y/n stated gladly.

"Release the Roswald family... Right now! The admiral will arrive soon... So we recommend that you surrender immediately! We won't be held responsible for what happens, rookies!!!" the navy announced from outside the hall.

"Seems like we do not even seem as the victims... Just accomplices." Law said.

"I got to see just how crazy Straw Hat Luffy is. The rumours were right. I got no complaints. I'm going first." Eustace Kid said and started to head off from the hall.

"It'll be on the way. I'll save you guys." Eustace Kid said will smirking at them.

Those words are like a trigger to Law and Luffy. Both of them gritted their teeth and dashed to the entrance.


"Fuh... They will settle the navy. Now we're safe" the long nose man relief.

"We're still in danger though" Y/n replied.

"WHAT?!" he exclaimed.

"Ohh...! What a beautiful lady!" the yellow-haired man approached Y/n and was about to kiss Y/n's hand but she pulled her hand immediately.

"The heck... What are you going to do just now?!" Y/n exclaimed. Completely surprised by the sudden action.

"I'm just kissing your hand... To show respect towards ladies" The yellow hair man explained.

"Hmm... No, thank you. Can you guys introduce yourself?" Y/n asked.

"No problem, Y/n-san. First, I'm the most handsome and talented cook in Straw Hat Pirates. My name is Sanji. And this lady is Nami-san, she is a navigator. That is blah blah blah. And lastly, we have a moss-headed swordsman." Sanji finished his explanation.

"Who is Moss head, you shit cook!" the green-haired man draws his katana.

"Who else besides you?" Sanji said.

"ERRRR..." Both of them gave a murderous stare to each other.

"STOP. IT!" Nami slammed down her fist on both men.

Y/n sweat dropped and approached Chopper who is treating Hachi. "Let me help," she said and started to clean the blood on Hachi's body.

She tied her hair up as her hair started to get in her way. She reach out for the alcohol bottle from Chopper's bag and began to pour it on the cotton wool.

Seeing Y/n's skill, Chopper looked at her in amazed."You looked like already used in treating people, who are you for real?" Chopper asked.

"Well, I'm just an ordinary girl who knows how to treat people. I am already a doctor on my ship if Law didn't take that place. But I know his skill is above mine. Moreover, I like to treat injured people, it feels very challenging." Y/n said.

She extended her hand forwards and palm face down.


A blue-coloured dome forms around Y/n and everyone looked at her in shock.

"Hey, hey. What are you going to do?!" Chopper exclaimed and grabbed Y/n hands.

"Relax, it'll all be over soon," Y/n replied calmly and place her hand on Hachi's wound.

"A-are you sure to let her handle this?" Zoro asked.

"It's up to you guys either believe me or not," Y/n spoke.

Chopper gulped and nodded. "All right, I believe in you, Y/n."

"Hey, Tanuki. I mean Chopper, could you press this wound so that the blood didn't overflow?" Y/n asked.

"HUH?! I AM NOT TANUKI, I AM REINDEER!" Chopper exclaimed.

"Mes!" Y/n smirked as she get the thing that she target. She opened her first and there is a bullet in that.

"Woah! A bullet?! How did you do that?" Chopper asked while keeping his hands on the wound.

Y/n smirked. "It's secret,"

Rayleigh who is standing from the beginning, look interested in Y/n's power. "What an amazing power, young lady! Are you a Devil Fruit eater?" he asked.

"Heck yeah, I didn't think I'd see such a big in a place like this, Dark King Rayleigh" Y/n replied.

"Don't call me by that other name, I'm just an old soldier," Rayleigh said.

"What kind of Devil Fruit did you eat?" Robin asked.

"Oh, it's called- mmhm" Before she can answer, Shachi came and covered her mouth with his hand.

"Mhm-mmh-hmm" Y/n muffled. She is annoyed with Shachi's actions.

"Looks like Captain has done! Let's go Bepo! Penguin!" Shachi said while dragging Y/n behind.

"Yeah!" Below and Penguin replied simultaneously.

They began to run towards the entrance to get out of the hall.

Y/n smacked Shachi's back hard to let her escape from his hand.

"Mhmmm-mm- Hah hah... Are you kidding me? I'm in the middle of a conversation just now, you idiots!" Y/n caught her breath and continue to smack Shachi and Penguin using sheathed katana.

"We, we are sorry, Y/n-chan! Ouch! Captain told us to keep your Devil Fruit secret from anyone else. Ouch!" Shachi explained.

"Yeah, that's true! Ouch! We only do what Captain order us to do! Ouch!" Penguin continued.

"Why do you keep hitting us while Bepo is beside you?! Ouch!" Shachi asked.

"What kind of question is that? How can I hurt this cute polar bear!" Y/n exclaimed.

"That's all?!" Shachi said while avoiding Y/n's sheathed katana.

"This isn't fair!!" Penguin said.

"I don't need your opinion!" Y/n said while landing the final blow on Shachi's and Penguin's heads.

"AAAAA!" Shachi and Penguin screamed while hugging themselves.


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