When I realized what I've done I quickly went to hold her . But she started to laugh making stop in my tracks.
She looks at me, she was bleeding from her lower lip, she smiled at me while her eyes send daggers my way.
"Funny... how even if you hate him, you are just like him... you just don't want to admit it Tom... I'm not mad at you for this... I'm mad because you don't see that you're going down the wrong path... living with a muggle? Working with a muggle? Doing things muggles do? Can't you see how bad that is?" I step back looking at her slowly stand up. She licked her bloody lip and smirk.

"Muggles are not that bad.. Mimi is the clear example of it" I say. She huffed and come closer to me.
"I'll give you more time to think about that Tom... but if you keep with absurd mentality, we won't have a future"
I felt my insides burn with worry. I can't let her leave me. She is the love of life.
"You're right" I whispered and she smiled then she kissed me. I kissed her back.
"Good" she whispered close to my ear. I hug her and place my head down at her chest. Slowly getting in my knees hugging her waist while she softly caress my hair.

"I love you"I say she softly make me look up at her.
"And I love you."


I opened my eyes when my alarm sounded. I get out of bed at  1:00 a.m. I put on some comfortable clothes on and go out my dorm.

After that moment with Tom I told him I needed some alone time. He nodded and left.
How dare he give me a disgusting muggle thing?!
I do hate muggles.
Judah's mom is a different case since she does agree wizards and muggles are different and not equals. That woman is wise.

But anything else related to muggles is just a piece of shit.

I was on my way towards the library where I'm supposed to meet Mattheo. He is the one who is going to help me get more information about my parents.

Once I reached the entrance of the library I see him with messy hair and sleepy eyes.
"You look like shit" I say smiling.
"You do too" he says holding my hand and guiding us towards the restriction section. It seems he knows this part of the library very well.
     Once we reached that solitary and cold section we just stood there looking at a bunch of books some where out of place. This was the darkest heavens

I look at Mattheo he was looking at me already.
"Where should we start?" He says giving me a smirk.
"The book is called 'the Blood tree Book' try to look for that" I say and he rolled his eyes.
"Why do you need that anyways?" He says starting to walk around looking for the book.
"Weasley said it contained the secret of the most powerful wizards... oh! Perhaps your family would be there too!" I say also looking around for the book in the bookshelf.
"Sure!" He says with a fake happy voice
"Fuck you!" I say at his sarcasm
"Please do!" He says. I rolled my eyes and chuckle.

After what it felt like 20 minutes Mattheo finally find the book.
"I got it!" He says walking at fast pace towards me.I grabbed the book
"Good job.. you want a treat?" I say making him roll his yes.
We both take a sit next to each other on the floor. We look at each other before opening the book.

"This is bullshit!" I say when I see an empty book. Mattheo grabbed the book from my hand and observed it.
"Blood" he says
"What?" He looks at me as if it was the most obvious thing ever
"The Blood tree... needs blood" he then looks at my lip.
"What the fuck? He did this to you!?" He says touching my lip.
"I did.. it was a stupid accident. I was reading in my bed. That stupid book fell in my face..."
"Tom did it?" He says interrupting
"Yes, we had rough sex" I lied once again. He only huffed and looked away.

Suddenly I felt his lips on mine. I kissed him back immediately. The kiss was getting heated by each second. But I pull away when he bite me.
"Hey!" I say pushing him away and touching my lip. It was bleeding again. He didn't say anything he just got a small drop of my blood placing it in the book.
  I frown and look down at the book. A few second past and then letters started to show.
"You're a fucking Genius!" I say kissing him, he smiled against my lips
"Read" he said

I began the read out loud
" joe and clauiry Manson. The creators of the most addictive drug of all times. Exnis.
Joe Manson a scientist, he is specialist in potions and dark arts. He made the discovery of how to avoid cancer cells, potions that can cure any type of wounds or sickness. His most popular creations Exnis.

Exnis made people get addicted because of it's function. It created strong illusions of the perfect life. It was designed for the person to have his or hers desire reality and get there with no problem. The person could control that dream making it addictive. Whoever took Exnis could be happy having want they wanted even if in reality they had nothing.

Clauiry Manson. Originally Clauiry Sallow.
A business woman. She is the owner of the most popular stores in diagon alley. Created 12 different companies of her own brand of clothes at 10 years old. Most popular sells  is Exnis.
Joe and Clauiry married at 20 years old. Both pure blood. Until today they still being the most powerful couple. Exnis is not used anymore.
Cherry Manson....."  I turn the page and there wasn't anything else. I huffed. Of course this book won't have anything about me. I haven't done anything successful.

I look at Mattheo he looks at me.
"Shit" he says. I hand him the book.
"Your turn" I say. He frown , we see the words disappear.
"Well  Okay... punch me" he say looking at me. Without thinking I punched him in the nose.
"Ah fuck!!" He yells . I ignored him and made a drop of his blood fell in the blood.

Then the book started to show the words.
Mattheo cleaned his nose with his hand and then started to read
"Lord Voldemort. Original name Thomas Riddle.
Halfblood and decendent  of the Gounts.
Pure-blood supremacist. Created the group Death eaters. He was and still is the most powerful wizard of all times.
Had two heirs. Tom Marvolo Riddle and Mattheo Thomas Riddle.
Only one of them will follow his steps.
Bellatrix Lestrage mother of one of the heirs. Originally a Black.
Merane Riddle. Originally a Lupin. Half sister of Remus Lupin. Dead. Mother of one of the heirs.
Mattheo Riddle..."

Mattheo looks at me with tears in his eyes
"Bellatrix? One of us is Bellatrix son?"

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