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The next moment, Li Nian waved his hands and walked out of the corner.

Suddenly colliding with Lin Yang, she was a little confused: "Why are you here?"

Lin Yang was afraid that the water on her hand would fall on him, so he took a few steps back, showing disgust: "Were you in there just now?"

Compared with ruthless people , Li Nian hates fools even more, and Lin Yang is one of them.

But when the two kinds of "people" met, Li Nian hated them both equally, and naturally rolled his eyes: "...The toilet is contracted by your family, right? You still don't care where I am." Lin Yang frowned

, He said dissatisfiedly: "The auditorium is locked, how did you get in? Being able to climb in through the window is really -" "

Lin Yang."

Seeing Li Nian, Zhu Lexing's doubts that he had not had time to speak were solved.

Li Nian is here, and Yan Mian is here. The bond between the two is like in movies and TV shows, where elementary school students die wherever they go. It is a character setting and a plot killing.

After understanding it, Zhu Lexing had no need to stay any longer, and said in a cold voice: "Didn't you say you wanted to see the auditorium? Now that you've seen it, you can leave." Lin Yang had not vented his anger yet, and said unwillingly: "It's obviously her——


Zhu Lexing glanced at her and said, "You still want to quarrel? That's up to you."

She turned around and left. Lin Yang had a high opinion of himself, and by arguing with Li Nian in front of outsiders, he was unilaterally looking down on the other party. But when the spectators left, she was not in the mood to perform a one-man show. She immediately followed Zhu Lexing and began to apologize again.

It wasn't until the two figures were far away that Li Nian whispered: "Mianmian, they're leaving."

Yan Mian, who was leaning against the wall next to him, let out a soft breath.

Her fingertips trembled slightly, without raising her head, but she suddenly said: "Zhu Lexing wouldn't talk like this." After

Yan Mian reminded him, Li Nian discovered that today Zhu Lexing didn't even utter a taunt and left happily.

This was abnormal, but Li Nian still didn't think about it. He just said: "Didn't you say that Uncle Zhu is coming back? Don't mention her, are you okay?"

Yan Mian's face turned pale and looked extremely depressed. It's like all the "life" breath has been drained out in an instant, and the weak willow supports the wind, which makes people feel pity.

The idea of ​​doubt came suddenly, and when she was interrupted by Li Nian, she did not think about it again. But after sending Li Nian home, on the way back to Zhu's house, she suddenly said: "Auntie."

Qin Yun looked at her in the front view mirror.

Yan Mian considered the words. ""You said you saw Zhu Lexing that day, her expression at that time -"

As soon as she started speaking, Yan Mian stopped talking and bit her lip, feeling ridiculous.

What's wrong with her? Just because of Zhu Lexing's few words. What she said was abnormal, and you wanted to study the other person's daily behavior?

Zhu Lexing is a well-deserved psychopath.

Whatever a neurotic does is uncontrollable.

In the end, she just smiled and said, "It's nothing, thank you. "

After arriving home, all the arrangements were the same as yesterday. Yan Mian sent away the maid who delivered the desserts, tried his best to put aside those irrelevant thoughts, and started to work on the questions seriously. If he wanted to escape from this abnormal environment, he could only rely on his own efforts.


Everything is recorded in the new chapter of this day.

After reading the update, Zhu Lexing asked the system from the bottom of his heart: [If this happens again in the future, can you give me a warning in advance?] Just like yesterday, the system clearly

could The person gave her advice before arriving at the auditorium,

but it didn't.

It had to wait 10 meters away from Yan Mian, one step away from the Shura field, and then play an emergency prompt.

How wicked!

The system was not prepared to reflect at all, and only said: [System It doesn't have a prophetic function - it

's quite stubborn.

Zhu Lexing has no reason to argue with it, so he simply doesn't care and just pays attention to it. Today

's rehearsal was full of people, Yan Mian was sitting in the corner, and Li Nian was with her Next to him, when Zhu Lexing and Song Yingying walked in, only Li Nian looked up.

Zhu Lexing only had time to look at Yan Mian, and Qiao Qiao said dissatisfied: "Zhu Lexing, have you chosen the role?" "We agreed in advance that I don't have to play the princess, but if I do, I have to play a role that is equal to hers -


As we all know, there are only four main characters in a drama: the protagonist, the villain, and the protagonist/villain's follower. Since the main point of view is the princess, who plays the princess becomes a top priority.

Most of those who can come are salty fish, but there are also some who are competitive and like to show off.

For example, Qiao Qiao.

After a day of contact yesterday, Zhu Lexing knew that Qiao Qiao's parents were both professional dancers and were highly respected. Qiao Qiao also inherited her mother's business and learned to dance since she was a child. She is quite famous online.

According to the school, the entire event will be broadcast live. Qiao Qiao is the key to attracting people to ensure ratings and cannot be offended.

Zhu Lexing enthusiastically suggested: "Let's play her evil stepmother. Don't be upset. She is still the second most beautiful person in the world. There is nothing wrong with being content and happy." Qiao Qiao felt that what she said made sense


Looking at Xu He again, the girl was a little nervous, but her thoughts were very straightforward: "I want to play the princess."

Zhu Lexing pondered for a few seconds: "Actually, the dwarf also has a lot of roles. The princess has to suffer in the early stage, but the dwarf only needs to eat, drink and lie down. , how happy?"

Xu He glanced at Qiao Qiao.

Qiao Qiao inherited her mother's genes and is tall. In contrast, Xu He stood next to her like a petite lucky baby: "But they are very short -" Qiao Qiao immediately laughed out loud. To prevent further trouble, Zhu Lexing patted Xu He on the shoulder and said sincerely:

" This is not a problem, it's just a title. You can change it any way you want." "

Besides, he is short and cute."

Xu He: "..."

Zhu Lexing didn't know what Xu He was thinking about, and his face gradually turned red. Showing shyness. But after the two, she arranged roles for the remaining people one by one.

Li Nian is the hunter, Song Yingying is the magic mirror...

When there were only two characters left in the script, "Snow White" and "Princess from a Neighboring Country", backstage in the auditorium, only Zhu Lexing and Yan Mian had no roles.

Zhu Lexing's selfishness was exposed at this moment.

As early as when there were only a few roles left and Yan Mian was still not called, some people already suspected whether Zhu Lexing was going to assign the role to Yan Mian.

And indeed it is.

Before Zhu Lexing spoke, Yan Mian said: "Actually, I can play the role of a hunter, and Li Nian can replace me."

Li Nian also hopes that Yan Mian can steal the show.

But the other party took the initiative to mention her, so she could only say: "I agree -"

It was only then that Zhu Lexing's eyes finally fell on the two of them.

She stared at Li Nian and said in a calm voice: "Your opinion is not important. Besides, you have changed, and if others say they want to change, how will you arrange it? You come?"

Li Nian choked.

The idea for the story came from Zhu Lexing, who is considered a director and director, so she naturally has the greatest say.

As soon as the cold words came out, Yan Mian relaxed and breathed unconsciously.

She finally saw similarities with the past in Zhu Lexing.

The role was thus determined.

Yan Mian's role as Bai Xue came suddenly and easily. After the bell rang, Zhu Lexing and Qiao Qiao went outside to discuss the script. Backstage, someone said without hesitation: "Didn't you say that Zhu Lexing hates Yan Mian? He hates her, so he wants her to play the heroine?" "It's just a stage play, not that much." Yan Mian looked up and saw that the person speaking was a fourth


. The Omega boy whose class has been divided is named Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang looks feminine. Probably because he had a good impression of Zhu Lexing, when Zhu Lexing asked about the role he wanted, he hesitated and couldn't speak, and just stared at Zhu Lexing the whole time.

Zhu Lexing arranged one of the dwarfs for him.

In front of Zhu Lexing, he didn't say a word. After Zhu Lexing left, his voice was like a machine gun, and he didn't stop: "I won't be able to do it, it depends on some people who won't do it. I haven't felt it before when I watched the role of Skyfall, and people Can you play the leading role if you are familiar with it? Those who know are classmates, but those who don't know think..."

"There is some ulterior relationship in private."

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