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Zhu Lexing felt that now was no longer a situation that could be described with just one sentence.

Ten minutes ago, she just finished recording a variety show. I was just about to take a nap on the way back, but when I opened my eyes again, the spacious back seat of the nanny car was transformed into a cramped compartment.

Who among modern people has not read a few time-travel novels and has a few dreams of reaching the pinnacle of life. Zhu Lexing's first reaction was confusion, his second reaction was to call the system, and his third reaction was that his hands were sore.

......sore hands?

Zhu Lexing lowered his head subconsciously, his pupils constricted.

In front of her, she saw a girl in a blue and white uniform trembling. Her hair was messy, her skin was cold white, but it was filled with a thin red color, and even her peach blossom eyes as pure as a deer had a twinkle in her eyes. Watery.

In the air, the faint sweetness and floral fragrance are just beginning to blend. This picture, which was comparable to the size of the Eighteenth Forbidden City, struck Zhu Lexing half awake like a thunderbolt. She subconsciously took a few steps back. The girl felt as if she had been given a pardon, clenching her fingers tightly and gasping for air.

Most of the sweetness dissipated with her movements, but the floral fragrance was still sweet and alluring.

Zhu Lexing stared blankly at the source of the floral fragrance -

the girl raised her face, and there was a moment of anger in her eyes. In just a moment, it turned into helpless sadness again. She lowered her spine and said in a low voice: "Zhu Lexing, I know you are dissatisfied with my contact with Uncle Zhu, but I didn't talk to him about anything other than studying, let alone you." "I am your sister after all. You do

n't You can like me, you can hate me, you can also want to... humiliate me." When the girl said this, her voice had become stagnant, and it was clear that she was unwilling, but the words came out of her throat one by one, "But at least, Not at school."


Zhu Lexing remained silent.

"Blessings", "sister", "humiliation", "school".

The key words are so clear that Zhu Lexing can't even forget them—

isn't this a very popular novel recently?

Since the character has the same name as her, Zhu Lexing even downloaded the novel app to watch it.

After only turning a few pages, Zhu Lexing felt nauseated and dizzy.

There's no other reason -

the character with the same name and surname as her is too scumbag.

The original work applies the ABO setting, which means that society has six genders. Female A, female Beta, female O; male A, male Beta, male O. People are still the same person, the only special setting is that AO has pheromones and a fever period. Both parties need the comfort of each other's pheromones during the fever period. Those with a high pheromone match are more likely to suffer from "pheromone dependence".

Based on the above settings, the bloody story begins naturally.

The original owner came from an outstanding background. His father, Zhu Lin, was a well-known director, and his mother was a three-time Best Actress. Both of them were Betas. They got married to their sons. The original owner went through the divorce procedures shortly after he was born, just to maintain his image. He was romantic internally and loving externally. The original owner was also kept secret. Drum.

It wasn't until Zhu Lin's suspected "cheating" photos were accidentally exposed that the two officially announced their divorce.

Zhu Lin used tough tactics and won the custody rights of the original owner at the beginning of the year, and introduced her to Yan Mian, the daughter of a new woman, Jiang Yue.

Yan Mian is one year older than the original owner. He has suffered from congenital heart disease since childhood. He has been out of school for several years and has undergone several surgeries but no improvement. Now a sophomore in high school, his grades are always among the best, and his ranking has never fallen below the top three when he has not missed an exam.

After hearing about Yan Mian's situation, Zhu Lin took the initiative to propose that the two of them attend the same middle school to build a good relationship and make it easier for them to get along in the future.

But he never thought that this casual suggestion would make Yan Mian's every step in the future hang on a tightrope.

On the first day of school, the original owner poured the drink on Yan Mian in front of the whole class -

she had originally identified Jiang Yue as the third party, and was even more dissatisfied with the sick man brought by him. She is beautiful, has a superior background, and because of her role as the protagonist, she has a charming buff. As soon as her resistance to Yan Mian becomes obvious, some people will spontaneously tease Yan Mian.

He made vulgar jokes, locked Yan Mian, who was afraid of the dark, alone in a cubicle, and pushed her who couldn't resist.

The description of school bullying does not occupy a long time in the original work, because this is just the beginning.

At the age of seventeen, the original owner differentiated into Alpha, and the pheromone match with Yan Mian was as high as 90%. Bewitched by primitive impulse, she forcibly marked Yan Mian during the fever period. Yan Mian was diagnosed with pheromone dependence the next month.

In the ABO world, this is a frustrating disease. Each Omega can only be marked once in his life, just like an oil painting is splashed with color. Whether he is willing or not, he can only accept the other party's re-creation. If you don't want to, you can only seek the most extreme method - destroy the painting, that is, cut off your own glands.

AO is produced by glands and is an extremely important organ of the human body. Removing the glands means the emergence of unknown complications. Even if you are lucky enough to avoid the disease, it will speed up aging.

When he got sick, although Yan Mian was an adult, he was still a senior in high school. She was qualified to apply to a prestigious school because of her excellent grades, but the original owner stepped in and used a trumpet to spread rumors about Yan Mian's chaotic private life.

The school immediately launched an investigation, but it was just a group of teachers surrounding Yan Mian to question him. Yan Mian has a quiet and gentle personality. She argued for the first time in her life and tried her best. However, her admission quota was still cancelled, and the school even tactfully persuaded her to drop out.

When Jiang Yue learned about this, she slapped Yan Mian hard. Although Zhu Lin verbally comforted her and arranged a future for Yan Mian, the way he looked at her was no longer as friendly as before.

Throughout the whole process, no one knew that it was Zhu Lexing who marked Yan Mian for life.

Mother and daughter are separated, and social media is full of rumors about themselves. After several times of this, only the original owner was left beside Yan Mian. She tried to force herself to fall in love with the original owner and accept her fate. However, the original owner lost interest in her after he completely succeeded in her. PUA played with her easily, and his eyes were always only following the next Omega.

Yan Mian suffered from depression and committed suicide several times. His body became weaker and weaker. The cold violence of the original owner was still there. He even relied on his parents' connections to break into the entertainment industry in his sophomore year and became a well-deserved "top". From then on, he played and sang every night and became more and more popular. Don't care about Yan Mian.

Until one day, Yan Mian made up his mind and left the Zhu family. In the same year, after having her glands removed, she became famous overnight for her role in the director's masterpiece.

Various past events related to the two were put on the table for trial by the parties involved. For a time, Zhu Lexing was "in the limelight". She was jailed due to business claims and multiple infringements of Omega's rights. On the day she was sentenced, Yan Mian was also deteriorating because of her Due to poor health, he passed away not long after.

Halfway through the recollection, Zhu Lexing was so angry that her hair stood up.

When Zhu Lexing recalled the entire plot, she was so disgusted that she just wanted to jump off the building and die with this body.

Zhu Lexing looked gloomy—angry.

But in Yan Mian's eyes, this scene became a harbinger of danger.

Zhu Lexing has been pampered since she was a child and wants everything from heaven to earth. What she hates the most is when someone doesn't do what she wants.

Yan Mian thought that he had made her angry, her eyelashes trembled slightly, her body slid down almost as if giving up, and she thought quietly, forget it.

get out of class is about to end, and Zhu Lexing is still a little shy in front of outsiders.

Besides, if she really wanted to do something, what could she do?

For no reason, Yan Mian thought that on the first day after transferring to Ming Dynasty, she was doused with orange juice and then pushed into a cramped cubicle in a daze.

The bag containing the medicine was taken away, and she realized that she was close to death. She couldn't help but gasp, and with trembling hands, she called her mother. For the first time, the usually gentle mother had a cold voice and warned her about her current life. Can be met but not sought. If you want to continue to stay in the Zhu family, you must learn to please Zhu Lexing.

What does it mean to be bullied? What's a moment in a cubicle?

Furthermore, there are so many people in the school, why doesn't Zhu Lexing target others and only exclude you?

But the imagined "atrocities" never came.

Whether it was the violence that Zhu Lexing was good at, insults, or using other people's pheromones to stimulate her... nothing.

Punches, kicks or insults as ordinary as drinking water, nothing. Yan Mian did not dare to raise her eyes to look at Zhu Lexing, and curled up into a ball. In the darkness, she could only hear Alpha's breathing and a very soft "Sorry" after a long period of silence.

The door opened, and the sticky pheromones dispersed in the wind. As the footsteps faded away, Yan Mian raised his eyes and looked at the door that had closed again. His eyelashes trembled slightly as he stared in disbelief at the empty compartment and the unopened pack of wet wipes beside his legs.

His back was wet, and it took a while before Yan Mian finally confirmed that Zhu Lexing was really gone.

...Before leaving, he even closed the door for her.


Of course Zhu Lexing left.

Before she traveled through time, she was about to join the production of a film about school violence. She read a lot of information and remembered only one sentence - the perpetrator's apology is worthless.

The best atonement is to stay as far away from the victim as possible.

Thirty seconds after the idea was born, there was a ding-dong in my head -

[Congratulations! Bound to save the heroine plan! 】

The world seems to have been pressed to a stop button, and the teachers and students in the aisle have stopped moving. I only hope that Lexing can walk as usual. ⊿For

a moment, Zhu Lexing recalled many love stories that were in the name of completing tasks, but in fact seduced the protagonist Jiang Jiang Niang Niang in every possible way, and alarm bells rang in his heart.

She had just made up her mind to keep distance from Yan Mian, and the system wanted her to fall in love?


Zhu Lexing was thinking about how to reject the system, and gave him the right to choose in a humane way: [Do you want to officially activate the system? 】

There was still a five-second countdown under the flimsy transparent frame. Just as Zhu Lexing clicked "No", the still glowing No key turned dim, leaving only "Yes" for selection.

Zhu Lexing:? ? ?

Can you still play like this?

Before she could regain consciousness and the countdown ended, the system said directly: "The system has been activated."

The next second, the system said again: "Due to insufficient energy, the system will temporarily enter a dormant state. It is expected that the system will be fully collected in 801 days." Energy, the host can also pass..."

The mechanical sound suddenly broke off, leaving only Zhu Lexing: "..."

Knowing that he has insufficient energy, he talks about so many useless prerequisites. Is this system really AI?

Why are you stupider than humans?

After the system disappears, the world returns to normal.

The noise returned to Zhu Lexing's ears. She raised her head, and in front of her eyes was the class card of Class 7, Grade 2 Science.

The class door was open, and girls in Mingzhong uniforms were tugging at the sleeves of middle-aged men and arguing about something. One looked angry, and the other was quite helpless.

Noticing the arrival of Zhu Lexing, the girl's hand instantly let go and said angrily: "Zhu Lexing! Where is Mianmianren?" She was like a firecracker about to explode if she disagreed with her. The man hurriedly stopped him, coughed slightly, and served it

. Teacher's air: "Zhu Lexing, Li Nian said that you went out with Yan Mian before last class. Is there such a thing?" The two have distinct personalities, and Zhu Lexing silently made an agreement in his mind


The girl is Li Nian, Yan Mian's only friend in the early stage of the novel. Although she is Beat, her martial arts value is surprisingly high. He has a clear personality of love and hate, and he often stood up for Yan Mian in the early stage.

The original owner rarely confronted her head-on at school, and only resorted to targeting Li Nian's parents. It was an ordinary white-collar family, with little ability to resist under the influence. In the original novel, Li Nian's ending was that he knelt down and apologized to his original master in public, then transferred to another province and never had any further consequences.

The latter is Zhu Xing, the head teacher of Class Seven. He is afraid of the strong but does not like to bully the weak. He is just a faggot and likes to pretend to be blind. In the original novel, he often turns a blind eye to Yan Mian's pleas for help.

Zhu Lexing's silence seemed to them to be guilty.

Li Nian exploded again: "What did you do to Mianmian again? She is not in good health to begin with, are you willing to kill her?!" When the words life and death were mentioned, Zhu Xing's expression also changed: "Don't talk

nonsense !"

Li Nian has a strong personality, but he is only seventeen years old after all, and was a little stunned when Zhu Xingyi yelled at him.

Zhu Lexing was interrupted from his thoughts and gave the reason straightforwardly: "Yan Mian wants to take a class leave." "A

leave?" Before Li Nian could recover, Zhu Xing frowned and continued, "Yes, yes, but she has to take the leave herself. Signed. "

Mingzhong is known as a famous school to the outside world, and to students

The control of the itinerary is extremely strict - any request for leave must be signed in person and returned from beginning to end to cancel the leave. Since the students' parents have deep pockets and provide financial support from time to time, the school also has a special website for parents to check students' attendance times.

Zhu Lexing had just traveled through time and had no memory of the original owner, so she naturally had no idea. For a rich girl like her who donated a building to go to school, skipping classes meant skipping. You know what I know, as long as you don't take the initiative to yell, no one will deliberately report it.

What's more, if you report it, there is a high probability that no one will care.

The same goes for Yan Mian.

But Zhu Lexing took the initiative to mention this matter. People were coming and going in the corridor, and it was impossible for Zhu Xing not to pick up the conversation.

He originally wanted to remind Zhu Lexing tactfully, but Zhu Lexing said blankly: "I'll sign it for her." Zhu Xing was speechless, and Li Nian also opened his mouth in surprise - in the eyes of the two of them, Zhu Lexing at the moment was not only different from the one who committed the crime

. It's the same as those who cleaned up the traces and even took the initiative to report to the police for arrest.

But it's always good to leave a record. Li Nian thought to himself that if something happened to Yan Mian in the future, there wouldn't be any "evidence".

Seeing that his euphemistic advice didn't work, Zhu Xing didn't care anymore and took the two of them to the office neatly.

When filling in the reason for asking for leave, Zhu Lexing pursed her lips and chose a slightly moderate reply: "Yan Mian is not feeling well." Upon hearing this reason, Li Nian's suppressed anger resurfaced

. This time, even Zhu Xing felt something was wrong, and said with disapproval: "Uncomfortable? How to make it uncomfortable? Do you want to go to the hospital?" Zhu Lexing: "..." How wicked is the original owner in school


Commonly used reasons for asking for leave cannot be ignored.

"She is in the lounge." Seeing the two people's expressions getting weirder, Zhu Lexing said, "If you are worried, you can go and stay with her." The second half of the sentence was addressed to

Li Nian. As soon as he finished speaking, Li Nian rushed out of the office and headed to the lounge like a firecracker without even looking back.

Zhu Lexing looked away and signed his name on the leave note neatly. When he raised his eyes again, he found that Zhu Xing was looking at her with a complicated expression and hesitated to speak.

She nodded slightly and said, "Teacher Zhu, is there anything else?"

In the end, the man didn't say a word, took the leave note and let her go.

But Zhu Xing didn't speak, which didn't mean Zhu Lexing didn't have the brain to think. In her eyes, there were only two things Zhu Xing wanted to say, to stop Zhu Lexing or to admonish Zhu Lexing.

But Zhu Xing didn't say anything, which meant that he was still willing to condone this behavior.

Zhu Lexing also knows that human nature is complex and it is not easy to protect oneself wisely and avoid bullying, but this does not prevent her from having a bad impression of Zhu Xing.

Zhu Lexing clutched the leave note and walked out of the bright and spacious office. The class bell rang a few minutes ago, and the corridor was empty except for the sound of lectures.

She stood in the corridor, looking at the golden crow hanging in the west, and she felt even more pity in her heart when she thought of Yan Mian's thin figure in the cubicle, curled up to protect the last trace of dignity.

After a few seconds of silence, Zhu Lexing made a solemn decision in his heart that he must be good to Yan Mian. Not only to change the dilapidated ending of the identity of "Zhu Lexing", but also to save Yan Mian's bright and brilliant life.

She raised her head and took one last look in the direction of the lounge, completely integrating into the identity of "Zhu Lexing".

With an impatient look on her face, her back slightly straightened, and even her hair a bit messy, Zhu Lexing walked straight to Science Class 7 with a pretty face that everyone owed her millions.

The author has something to say:

Demining: This article is the daily growth flow of Mary Sue's campus, and it is easy to let go of logic to death. The early, middle and late stages of campus involve the entertainment industry. The main cp is almost as marked in the copywriting, and the secondary cp is positive positive energy little sun Beta & family fortune is falling and gloomy O.

The full text focuses on health and positive energy. I hope everyone will enjoy reading it. If you are not happy, please exit in time. This is really just a love story of a beautiful girl with a lot of pictures. The next book "The Excessive A of a Movie Queen Dressed as a Fishing Movie" will be published

. Column collection!


Nian Nian, the sweet and loyal dog A*, the gentle and charming movie queen O,

has been in the book for a long time.

She became the cannon fodder of actress Shen Ruyue in the early ABO novels.

The original owner and Shen Ruyue agreed to get married, and agreed before the marriage to maintain each other's image. However, the original owner was messing around with women and ruining Shen Ruyue's reputation. After being warned by Shen Ruyue, he planned to drug Shen Ruyue to mark her.

The drug failed, but he was killed instead. The original owner burst into tears with iron doors and locked windows.

After reading the original work, Shi Niannian decided to divorce Shen Ruyue from the beginning and refused to sacrifice to heaven.

Until she opened her eyes, Shen Ruyue, whose eyes were red and passionate, was leaning against her, obviously in a fever stage.

Drowsy and also affected by the fever period, Shi Niannian:..................! ! !

Help! How did the original owner successfully administer the drug! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


After accidentally marking Shen Ruyue, Nian Nian was terrified. Between kneeling on the durian, kneeling on the remote control, and running away, she chose to admit her mistake directly.

Shen Ruyue glanced at her coldly, her red lips parted slightly: "Yesterday was my fever period. Drugging? You think too highly of yourself."

Shi Niannian: "..."

No crime! You won't be sent to the police station!

After confirming that it was safe, Shi Niannian wanted to divorce Shen Ruyue again.

Before she spoke, Shen Ruyue gave her an engagement contract.

Shen Ruyue's ears were a little red, but her voice was still full of coldness: "I have a special status, for the sake of each other's reputation-"

Shi Niannian: "...!"

It turns out that what she wore was not after marriage, but before marriage.

Looking at the contract that changed his destiny, Shi Niannian still chose to accept it without hesitation.

Beautiful sister's soft rice! She eats it!


Shen Ruyue was diagnosed with pheromone deficiency syndrome when she was young and has never felt any Alpha pheromones.

This matter is unknown.

Until that night, she accidentally walked into the wrong room, and the pheromones from that time enveloped her.

At first, Shen Ruyue was curious and interested in Shi Nian Nian.

Later, when Shen Ruyue got used to being with Shi Niannian every day, she never wanted to let her go.

1. Double first love. This is not how Shen Ruyue and Zha A met in the original work.

2. Female A has no pendants

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