Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Standing at the base of Moira's tower my cloak tightly wrapped around my body to keep me warm, I question if coming here is a good idea. The moon stone necklace hanging around my neck feels warm, the magic inside it pulsating in time to the magic coming from the tower. The wind blows gently across the bare tree tops, the sun warm and bright making the white snow blinding to look at. I know I should head inside, to seek Moira out and ask for her help but I am hesitant to do so.

"You'll freeze if you keep standing there like that." I jump in fright and whirl around to see none other than Moira standing behind me, a fluffy winter coat covering the top half of her body with a matching black knitted toque making her appear like a burned marshmallow. A basket in her arms with the scent of herbs tells me she has just retuned from the forest, her piercing violet eyes holding slight amusement in them.

"Sorry, I was actually here looking for you." I stutter out, stepping to the side to allow the Witch to pass by. She chuckles, waving her hand as the wooden door opens, the warm scent of cinnamon and fire tempting me to go inside.

"I had a feeling you would soon come find me Isabella. Come in for some tea and a cinnamon roll and we can talk." Moira suggests, motioning me inside. I smile, the idea of a cinnamon roll tempting me further as I step into the tower, the Witch following behind me.

I have never been inside the tower before, always afraid of Moira as Witches do have a bad name in the supernatural world. They blend in with humans, using their charm to gain an income from reading fortunes to selling potions of all kinds. Many people know them as Gypsies, their ancestors traveled around selling their wares and stories for centuries while gathering materials for their spells until colonization brought them to the Americas. From there, they soon found a new niche in life becoming apothecaries and creating remedies until dark witches soon come into light, their distain for the fact humans controlled the world and causing the Salem Witch hunt. Many people lost their lives during this time, not just Witches but Humans, Vampires, Wolves and Fae as well.

Stepping into the tower, the first thing I notice is the small kitchen to the right, the fresh cinnamon rolls mentioned sitting on the counter with steam still coming off of them. They are covered by what looks like cream cheese frosting and I can feel my mouth salivating. I love cinnamon rolls. To the left is a large fireplace, flames roaring inside it with logs of pine wood crackling as they burn. In front of the fireplace is a love seat with an armchair on either side. It feels so homey inside, so welcoming and inviting as I take a few more steps into the room, noticing the small dining table under a large bay window I never noticed that looks into a green house.

"Your father had the wolves build me a green house when the snow started falling to help maintain my herbs." Moira explains chuckling, playfully bumping her shoulder into mine. Feeling guilty, I look away from the green house view to find a pair of stairs that leads up the tower, wondering just what the other three floors are used for, but I know better than to pry into an Ancient Witch's business.

"Take a seat Isabella, I will bring you a cinnamon roll and a cup of tea before we get to chatting." Moira chuckles out, walking towards the kitchen while I hesitate before taking my cloak off and hanging it on the coat wrack before settling myself into the comfortable armchair. The fire warms me, the scent of pine relaxing me as I wonder if Moira is lonely.

"Here you go hun." Her voice calls out beside me as she settles a tray into the coffee table before us, handing me a plate with a cinnamon roll covered in the frosting.

"Thank you." I sheepishly say, using the fork provided to cut a small piece off and taste her treat. My eyes widen in shock as the explosion of cinnamon, sugar and the sweet tangy cream cheese frosting melt in my tongue. To say this is the best damn cinnamon roll I have ever had would be an understatement.

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