Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I sigh as I flop face first onto my bed, my father chuckling as my mother lets out an exasperated sigh. She comes to sit on the bed, taking off her shoes as my father brings a chair over to rub her sore feet.
"I am glad you reminded me to switch shoes. Who knew Alpha Frost had such a large territory." My mother grumbles out, getting a chuckle from me. I roll over onto my side to look at her, her jet black hair similar to mine shining with the sunlight filtering in through the window.
"Had you worn your pumps, I would have had to carry you on my back." I jokingly state, getting a chuckle from my father.
"So what are your plans for the rest of the afternoon?" My mother asks, giving my father a playful glare before turning her attention back to me.
"Same as always. Go to their training room -"
"Try not to break another punching bag." My father cuts me off making me roll my eyes and laugh.
"Yes, that. And maybe see if they have a library I can browse." My mother gives me an exasperated look, one I know all to well. Before she can speak a single protest, I bounce up from the bed and instantly search my luggage for a pair of leggings and sports bra, making my way to my washroom and quickly changing. I can hear my father's booming laughter from the other side of the wooden door as I fold the clothes I wore earlier neatly, giving me a chance to plan my escape from my mother's nagging. Once ready, I quickly rush out the bathroom, stuff my folded clothes into the laundry bag of my luggage and grab my phone, sneakers and headphones, not caring that I am running out of my room barefoot as my mother tries to stop me with a small growl. The elevator is close and I can see the doors beginning to open, Liam's surprised face greeting me as I rush inside and hurriedly click the close button.
"Who are you running from Bells?" My friend asks with a chuckle.
"My mother." I state once I am sure it is only the two of us inside the metal contraption.
"You couldn't have waited for me to get off at least!?" He grumbles out sarcastically. I send an apologetic smile my friend's way, leaning against his arm and placing my head on his shoulder.
"Sorry Liam. If it makes you feel better I only have socks on." Apologizing to my friend I hold up my sneakers and watch as his eyes widen before he looks down at my feet, my toes wiggling to emphasize my statement as he starts laughing uncontrollably.
"Let me guess, you stated a non-princess thing and she was about to lecture you."
"So you ran away."
"You are something else Bells." I shrug, the elevator finally coming to a stop and the training room greets me. I wave goodbye to Liam who unfortunately has to ride the elevator one more time because of my escape and I know that I own my friend. With a grin, I connect my headphones to my phone, put them on and find the nearest bench. Music is blasting and I sing along to the pop songs as I tie my laces - my sneakers finally on my feet - and make my way towards the punching bags. Getting lost in the rhythm, I time my punches and kicks to the beat of the music and allow myself to focus on my muscle movements. Once I feel like the punching bag has thoroughly been abused, I back away and scan the training room. No one else is around thankfully, most wolves probably patrolling or showing around my pack mates meaning I can do what ever I want here. Deciding to hop onto the sparing ring, I open my Bluetooth to see if I can connect my phone to any speakers here. Finding one that states "Training Room" I grin triumphantly and disconnect my headphones, placing them in the corner as I connect my phone to the speakers and the beat of my music begins playing. Placing my phone beside my headphones, I let loose a little and start dancing, my body flowing in time to each song as I allow my mind to wander. Dancing is the only activity my mother and I can agree on, the activity being one I enjoyed from learning hip-hop, to contemporary and even ballet. Just allowing my body to move fluidly and without restraint is the one thing I can do without worrying about breaking anything.
The tenth song comes to an end and I am left breathing heavily, my eyes closed as I take a moment to calm my beating heart when the sounds of someone clapping forces me to go on alert and take on a defensive stance. On the other side of the sparing ring Damon stands before me, a look of awe on his face. I blush, not really intending for anyone to see me dance but thankful that the person before me is my mate and not a stranger.
"That was beautiful." He states, his voice gruff as I walk towards my phone, pausing my music.
"Thank you. I have been training from a young age how to dance." I say, climbing under the ropes and coming to stand before my mate.
"Well its not something we see here at Frost Moon." His voice trails off as he looks away, his eyes slowly turning cold. I swallow the lump in my throat, his words bringing a sense of unease to me. I think about the moment by the stream, how his kiss ignited the sparks inside me and question where the man from today went as the Damon before me feels cold and aloof, as if there is a distance between us.
"Damon I-"
"Don't. Look Bella, you are a nice girl and all but we have a rule here in Frost Moon." He cuts me off, his words sharp and cutting into my heart like a knife.
"Damon don't do this." I try to reason, my eyes watering with unshed tears.
"I have to. You aren't fit to be my Luna." Damon sighs out, a look of determination in his eyes.
"I, Damon Frost, reject you as my mate and Luna. May the Goddess have mercy on you Bella." My heart shatter, the pain ripping into me like jagged shards of glass. I gasp for breath as the tears flow down my face and watch through blurry vision as Damon walks away, his back ramrod straight. He does not look back at me as he takes the elevator and leaves the training room.
[Liam, is there another way out of the training room?] I link my friend, needing to escape this place and run the pain away.
[There are stairs just to the left of the elevator. Are you okay Bells? A storm suddenly shook the pack house.] I shut the link between Liam and I off as I stagger to the left of the elevator, finding a door that blends into the wall which thankfully reveals a set of stairs. Climbing them, I find myself at the first landing with two options to take. The door to my right leads outside but the door in front of me leads me inside the pack house. Without a second thought, I take the door to the right and rush outside, not bothering to close it behind me as torrential rain pours down on me, blending into the salty tears that fall freely down my face. In minutes I am drenched and shivering, knowing this drastic change in weather is cause by me. I can feel my pack mates pushing into my mind, trying to link me, but I ignore them, focusing instead on running – and run I do. I feel my bones breaking as I shift, my jet black wolf with a silver crescent moon on my forehead take the place of my skin form and as my paws thunder against the ground, I find myself running farther and farther away from the Frost Moon pack house where he is as I let out a sorrow filled howl.
I don't know where I am going or how long I have ran since shifting, but the wind and rain soon leaves me shivering, my high body temperature and fur unable to keep me warm from the storm that my emotions have created. Scenting the air, I manage to find a cave hidden from the elements and pad my way inside. I am too tired to shift and build a fire, deciding that curling up into a ball is the best I can do to conserve body heat. Watching the rain fall, I think about how worried everyone must be, including my parents. I know my father will send Liam to find me, but for now I need to grieve, need to allow myself to let the reality that my mate rejected me sink in. Only Liam knows who my mate is. Only he can understand the pain.
With my heavy eyes closing, I allow sleep to take me away from the pain and decide to wait here. Liam will find me, he always does, and when he does he can take me away from Frost Moon.

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