Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Watching the Warriors shift and take off silently in the forest, I envy them as I help my mother rest on a small bolder. The tour has been going smoothly, the members of Frost Moon being cordial although a bit frosty when talking to some of the maids in attendance, including myself. We have traveled through the town, visiting local businesses and enjoying the small farmers market that happened down town. I've caught Damon staring at me throughout the tour, felt his gaze with every fiber of my being as I speak with some of the members working in the town and purchasing some snacks that I share the maids. His gaze never leaves me when I step away for a moment to sniff flowers at a stall or help a child to pick out a treat that he then runs towards his mother with and wonder if when will Damon be making his move. Sadly though, his focus always returns to the tour, explaining his family's land and the businesses apart of his town to my parents.
"Why don't you go hunt Liam." My father suggests, catching my attention.
"Thank you, your Majesty, but I prefer staying close to you and the Queen." Liam declines, his eyes scanning the forest before turning to look I me. I nod, understanding the hidden meaning that he prefers to stay close in order to protect me. My skin shivers slightly, an indication that my mate is staring at me, and I turn to meet Damon's gaze. I see a hint of anger in his green eyes and inwardly chuckle. He is jealous of Liam. Returning my attention back to my mother, I ask if I can be excused for a moment to refill my canteen at the stream nearby. She nods, her eyes closing as she takes a deep breath of the forest surrounding us and the soft blowing breeze that carries the sent of pine and maple towards us.
Carefully navigating my way to the stream, I unscrew the lid from my canteen and bend down the fill the fresh flowing water into it.
"To think one hundred years ago we would have had to use some form of filter to purify the water." Jumping, I drop my canteen into the stream and turn to curse the male that joined me. Shocked, I watch as my mate makes his way closer, bending down beside me and pick my canteen from the stream, dumping the contents out before refilling it.
"The humans did a number to the forest and rivers here. Had we not separated our races; the world would have failed even more." He continues, bringing my canteen to his lips and taking a long slow drink. I look away, slightly flustered from how his Adam's apple bobbed up and down with each sip he took, not knowing how I should face this mate of mine.
"You know we are mates, right?" I ask, wanting to make sure he understands the situation we are in.
"I do Bella." His voice is a whisper. With a small smile, I turn to look at him once more already seeing his green eyes staring at me. My mouth feels dry all of a sudden and I tentatively reach out and take my canteen from his hand, bringing it to my lips and sipping on the cool water not once breaking eye contact with Damon. He smirks, a look of lust in his eyes that sends my heart into overdrive. The canteen soon becomes empty once more and I lean forward to fill it, aware of how Damon is watching me. With it full once again, I stand and offer my hand to my mate. He takes it, standing to his feet. Without warning, he pulls me close, our bodies flushed against one another. I shiver from the sparks caused by our bodies touching, the mate bond working its magic. I wonder what it would feel like to be pressed under this fine wolf, feeling him inside and around me.
"I have some things to do after the tour." His voice is husky, his breath fanning against my cheeks making me feel even more intoxicated. Like a spell, his lips find mine, grazing against them lightly while the sparks set my body ablaze.
"When I have the chance, I will come and find you." He continues, his lips pressing harder against mine in a heated kiss. We pull away a few moments later, out eyes still trained to one another. I can see how reluctant he is to leave me, but as an Alpha, he has to continue the tour. And as a "maid" I need to return to my mother's side. I watch Damon walk away, my heart fluttering as something inside me tells me that when he finds me, something in my life will change drastically. Whether that change is for better or worse, I won't know till it happens.
Sighing, I return to where I left the group, Liam giving me an inquisitive look as I come to stand beside my mother and I shake my head. I can tell my friend knows something is up, but right now is not the time to talk. My father is deep in a conversation with Beta Malcome about the security of Frost Moon and how hunting is organized within the pack. It's nice to see my father so happy. Usually the issues at court leaves him stressed and working late into the night trying to solve the problems within the kingdom. Most day to day pack life is left for me to handle as my mother is at his side helping him run the kingdom.
"How is the water here?" My mother asks, bringing me from my thoughts.
"Sweet and fresh. The stream I went to is clear and its evident that the Frost's maintain their land." I answer, seeing Damon and Malcome look at me in approval. I guess I said the right thing for my mate to enjoy.
"That's good. Can you take my canteen and refill it for me." She states, giving me a wink. I suppress the chuckle that wants to escape my mouth, knowing that my mother is allowing me a chance to continue explore the forest on my own with this excuse. It's not like I watched her sneakily empty the water behind the rock she is sitting on. With a slight bow, I take her canteen and return to the stream, allowing my mind to wander. If Damon were to accept the mate bond and we were to mate, would Malcome take over the pack and change it for the better or would Damon fight to keep command as both Alpha King and Alpha of Frost Moon. Hearing a snapping of twigs behind me as I bend to refill my mother's canteen, I roll my eyes and take in the scent floating on the wind.
"Yes Liam?" I ask, closing the lid on the canteen just as my friend comes to kneel beside me, filling his own canteen with the stream.
"I heard the prey we hunt today will be used for the bonfire tonight." Liam says with a shrug, his eyes lighting up at the idea of good food. I chuckle, standing and taking a deep breath, enjoying the scent of the forest around us.
"Are you more excited for the food or for the fire?" I ask, playfully nudging him with my knee. He sends me a playful growl before we both bust into laughter, his blue eyes staring into mine as he stands.
"You have his scent lingering on you." He states ignoring my question. I blush, looking away sheepishly as I think about the kiss that happened minutes earlier.
"Bells, I know he is your mate but be careful." Liam warns, placing his hand on my shoulder. I can feel hi concern for me and remember the pain he went through two years ago when he found his mate and she rejected him right away to be the mistress for her Alpha instead. I know he is worried I will go through the same pain as him and I am thankful to have him as my friend.
"I will. Besides, I have you to help me get through it." I reassure him, giving Liam a bright smile. He returns my smile and we walk back to the group, my mother thanking me as I hand her the filled canteen. It seems I have returned just in time as the wolves that went to hunt returned with their prey. I smile at the wolves from my pack, noticing two large bucks that are easily the best out of the five deer brought back.
"Your wolves seem to be adept at hunting." Damon states to my father, impressed by our Warriors. My smile widens and I think back to our annual hunt in Nightlock Thorns each fall before the first snow fall. How each wolf that participates is allowed to find the best prey they can and the winner receives a grand prize. Of course my Warriors know how to hunt the best, its been ingrained into them.
"If you think that is amazing, you should have allowed Bells to hunt." Liam scoffs out, his eyes filled with pride. I shrug, helping my mother to stand as my father gives my friend a warning growl. We all know I am the best hunter in the pack, able to sniff out prey and even take down a few bears. A few of my pack mates chuckle, already knowing not to say much to keep my identity a secret, but the heated gaze I feel tells me that Damon's curiosity has peaked.
With the hunt the end to the tour, we all make our way to the pack house where the bonfire will be held tonight, my parents letting us know we can all relax and do our own things until dinner time. I already know where I will be as the punching bags in the Frost Moon training room is calling my name once more.

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