Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

After our walk, Liam and I returned to the ball room, the two of us deciding to dance the night away and ignore our so called mates that arrived as guests, although it was easier for him with his locked away while I felt the gaze of mine where ever I went. The party went well past midnight, the guest becoming drunk off of the specially brewed alcohol and I found myself mingling with the guests, meeting Alphas and Lunas and hearing about their packs – packs I should have met on the Royal Tour six years ago. This time around, I promise to make my way around Canada as soon as I am able to control the snowfall that plagues Nightlock Thorns. No need to cause the same problem to other packs if I can learn to control my powers.
"I think it's time you head to bed Bells." Liam suggests with a chuckle, his arms wrapped around me as I yawn. He is right though, the clock on the wall reads four-twenty in the morning and my body has started to sway with exhaustion.
"Tomorrow is a day of recovery for everyone so no need to worry about state affairs." My father confirms, his knowing gaze holding back his laughter. I nod, agreeing that sleep is needed and I let Liam lead me away after bidding my parents good night. The two of us walk slowly back to my wing in silence, my exhaustion slowly causing me to lean on Liam heavily as I try to fight falling asleep. Before I can protests, I am lifted into his arms, my head resting against his shoulder, the crown still somehow firmly on my head.
"It's okay if you fall asleep Bells, I'll have the girls help you undress if you do." Liam reassure, his scent wrapping around me. I always loved natural scent, finding them soothing and right now Liam's scent is definitely soothing me to sleep. Closing my eyes, I feel every step Liam takes as he carefully caries me across the palace. The heated gaze of my mate is now gone and I know the guards stopped him from following us – good. Damon chose his life and I mine and right now I want to continue to grow stronger.
"Is she asleep?" Macie's voice calls out softly.
"I think so." Liam whispers back, Macie giggling.
"It's must have been some party." Kelly adds as I feel Liam carry me deeper into my wing. The girls carefully work the crown off of my head, my eyes fluttering open to look at the two she-wolves who smile at me.
"Hi Bella." Kelly greets, her eyes holding a hint of laughter in their depth.
"Hi." I mumble out, smiling at Kelly. With my head feeling lighter now that the crown has been removed, I look to Liam and smile at him.
"Liam, will you stay the night?" I ask, watching his blue eyes soften as he carefully sets me down on the bed.
"Sure. Just let me get cleaned up and I'll be back in about thirty minutes." Liam agrees, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. I blush, mumbling an okay before he walks away chuckling. The girls give me a smirk as Kelly helps me to stand before Macie and her get to work helping me remove my clothes and jewelry before leading me to the bathroom to wash the day away from me. Now cleaned and my long hair being dried, I feel myself dozing off in the vanity chair before Kelly announces my hair is done.
"I think you look much better when all the jewels and fancy dresses are off you." Liam calls out from the other side of the room, his footsteps growing closer before he stands behind me, fingers playing with my dried hair.
"I agree. I hate the ball gowns the most." I yawn out, standing from my chair and feeling his arms lift me up once again.
"Don't you get tired of carrying me?" I ask, fighting to keep my eyes open as sleep keeps calling to me.
"No. I like having you in my arms." Liam admits as he climbs into bed with me still in his arms. The comforter is pulled over us, his scent stronger now that he has showered off and changed into clean clothes. His fingers comb through my hair, tucking my head under his chin as he does so before I feel sleep take over. With my eyes closing, I turn my head and do what I have wanted to do for a while – I kiss Liam. His lips are soft even though he stiffens under my body before he softens and kisses me back. That is the last thing I remember before I fall asleep surrounded by the scent of pine and mint.

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