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As Shade rushed into Bull's Retropolis, she was determined to rescue Colt from whatever trouble he had found himself in. The muffled voices led her to a room where Colt was tied to a chair, facing off against a burly man with a nose piercing and a girl brandishing a bat. However, the small peephole in the door made it difficult for Shade to see the third figure clearly.

Colt's voice reached her ears. "I swear it's not my fault!" he protested.

Shade decided to intervene, pointing her gun toward the three as she entered the room. The three figures turned their attention to the mysterious newcomer. The girl with black hair, bat in hand, stepped forward. "Hey, who the hell are you?" she demanded.

Shade remained silent, stepping back and waving her hand defensively as the girl approached, trying to maintain her concealed identity. Then, her gaze met the eyes of the third figure, who was unmistakably a crow. Shock registered on the crow's face as their eyes locked.

The buff man took a step forward, attempting to diffuse the situation. "Excuse me, ma'am," he said, trying to keep his temper in check. "This guy tried to steal one of our most respected customer's gems. It is our responsibility to take care of this. If you don't mind stepping outside."

Shade glanced at Colt, who looked conflicted and signaled that this wasn't why he had come to Bull's Retropolis. Colt's denials were futile. "Look, I can explain! It wasn't like—" he began.

"Did you?" Shade asked sternly.

Colt frowned, nodded, and raised his eyebrows, conceding guilt. Shade sighed deeply. "I'm really deeply sorry. Please forgive him. I promise you it won't happen again," she said to the three figures.

"No problem, girl!" the girl with the bat responded cheerfully. "Thanks!" Shade replied, relieved.

As she untied Colt and started dragging him out of the room by his ear, Colt protested, "Aaah, that hurts!"

"I gave you one job!" Shade whispered angrily.

"Ay, ay, I'm sorry! It won't happen again!" Colt promised, his voice full of regret.

Just as they were about to leave, they heard the crow's voice from behind. "KAW KAW! Wait a sec!" the crow called out.

Shade's pupils contracted with shock upon seeing the crow's face. "Could we talk for sec?" the crow asked Shade. Shade nodded reluctantly, and they walked a bit further away from Colt's hearing and sight. However, Colt's curiosity got the better of him, and he discreetly moved closer to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"I know it's you," Crow said with a serious tone.

"What are you talking about?" Shade tried to deflect the conversation.

"Shelly, you can't fool me," Crow said softly but firmly.

Sighing in resignation, Shade removed her mask, revealing her face "I knew it was you," Crow said.

"Now that you've seen it's me, can I leave?" Shade asked.

"Sure, I've got what I wanted. Greet Spike for me," Crow replied as Shade/Shelly left.

Colt, who had been eavesdropping, tried to act innocent when Shade returned. "Did you?" Shade asked him seriously.

"Uh-uh," Colt replied, shaking his head to indicate he hadn't heard anything.

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