Last Words?

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As Colt fled from the haunted house, he was forced to do so barefoot, his injured hand leaving a trail of blood as he moved. The chilling night air was unforgiving, and the wounds on his feet and hand ached with every step.

The moonlight cast an eerie glow on the path before him, and the crimson droplets that fell with each hurried pace painted a haunting picture. Shade, with his seasoned tracking skills, would have no trouble following this grim trail.

Colt knew that his every move was etching a map for his relentless pursuer. In the darkness, his heart pounded not just from fear but also from the pain of his injuries. The chase was on, and the race against time had begun.

As Colt continued his desperate escape through the moonlit night, Shade, the relentless tracker, wasn't far behind. With each step, Colt's wounded hand left behind a trail of blood, a gruesome breadcrumb path that only fueled Shade's determination to catch his quarry.

Then, in a moonlit clearing, Shade finally laid eyes on Colt. The young outlaw was exhausted, his bare feet stained with dirt and his hand drenched in blood. Their eyes met for a fleeting moment, a silent acknowledgment of the inevitable.

With an eerie calmness, Shade raised his hand and gestured for Colt to halt. The chase had come to an end, and Colt was now firmly in the grasp of the relentless outlaw known as Shade.

As Shade closed in on Colt, the tension in the night air was palpable. His gun, steady in his grip, was pointed squarely at Colt's chest. The moonlight glinted off the cold steel, casting an eerie glow.

"What are ya last words?" Shade drawled, his voice as frigid as the night air.

Colt couldn't help but chuckle weakly in the face of death. "You must be a skilled guy, beig the son of Belle and Sam," Shade remarked, his tone laced with a somber irony. "It's really sad that you had to die like this."

Shade's eyes narrowed as he pulled back the hammer, ready to unleash the final act.

Just as Shade was about to squeeze the trigger, Colt spoke, his words a whisper in the chilling night. "Ya can't kill me," he said, his voice resolute.

Shade arched an eyebrow, curiosity mingling with his menace. "And why is that?" he demanded.

A wry smile played on Colt's lips, despite his dire circumstances. "I saw that board in the room," he admitted.

Shade's eyes widened for a split second, a hint of uncertainty flickering across his face. He opened his mouth to respond, but before he could, Colt's voice cut through the night one final time. "I know that red-haired woman and her daughter."

A shiver ran down Shade's spine as realization dawned. Before he could react, Colt's strength gave out, and he collapsed from the overwhelming loss of blood, his body collapsed.

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