The New Maid (Chapter 5)

Start from the beginning

" Who is she marrying?"

Lauren raised an eyebrow, " Hmm, I don't know that yet. All I know is that she is very much in love, and nothing, and no one can come in between her happiness... at least this time."

" This is so beautiful, Lauren.. really, you have a gift to tell stories through your paintings. You're so talented. To be honest, I can already see your art all around the world. I can see you in so many art exhibits. I feel like you can touch so many lives with your art, if you just believe in yourself enough.."

Lauren looked back into Camilas big brown eyes," Sometimes all it takes is someone really special to believe in me. That's all I could ever ask for."

Camila reached out to hold Lauren's hand, and she kissed her on the cheek. She had no idea what would cause her to do that, but she was just going along with her heart.

" Wow, I'm sorry for doing that.. but well, I just want you to know that I believe in you. I believe that you have it in you to be one the biggest artists that ever lived.."

Lauren held her cheek, the same one Camila had just kissed, " No, don't worry.. I like kisses, especially from such a sweet girl, that just so happens to believe in me.. No one had ever said that to me, you don't know how happy you've just made me. I can honestly say, that I'm staring to believe in myself. And I owe it all to you, Camila."

"Well, isn't that what friends are for? To encourage each other, and just be there for one another?"

" Yeah, that's exactly what friends are for.. I just wouldn't know. My friends only care about money..."

" Well you don't need them.. besides you have me now." Camila smiled

" You're right, why bother with hundredths of friends like them, when I can have just one of you. You would never hurt me, or use me for money."

" Thank you, Lauren..for trusting me enough to show me your paintings, and just being open with me. I've never met anyone like you.."

" So does this mean you fully forgive me for hitting on you the first time we met?"

"hmmm, of course! Don't friends forgive each other no matter what?"

" Yeah, well only if they're friends, and I'm glad you forgive me. so.... Are you ready for our movie marathon, and all you can eat ice cream?"

"I'm very much ready, Ms. Jauregui.."

" Are you sure? Ready for anything? Because to me that sounds like a threat, and a dare", Lauren smirked at the young maid.

" Well, it depends.. if we could possibly die, or get hurt then no, I am not ready.. but if you mean stuff our faces with ice cream until we barf, then..i am totally ready."

" Wow, for being so up tight, you're kind of a chicken, Cabello..."

" okay, first off, I am NOT a chicken.. second, if I chose to keep you company then that should definitely tell you that I am not a chicken!"

" okay, then.. prove it... prove to me that you're not a chicken."

Camila was being dared, and for once she actually liked the feeling of being controlled by the green eyed girl.

" Okay what is it that you want to me to do?"

"Hmm jump into the pool!"

" That's it? You want me to jump into your pool?", Camila sarcastically said.

" Not likely.. I want you to jump off the roof, into the pool"

" WHAT? Are you crazy? Do you want me to kill myself?", Camila raised her hands into the air.

The New Maid (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now