"And the five thousand?"

"For the moral damages caused by Mr. Deniz and after having fired you, consider it compensation."

"I'm not going to sue him for everything that's happened, believe me. If I go, I...I just want to forget about all this as soon as possible. And whatever hurts Mr. Deniz will hurt Ali too, it's the least thing in the world I want."

"That boy has stolen your heart."

"So it seems."


And I wait.

I think things over once more. I admit that a little voice in my head repeatedly asks me if I'm not doing something crazy.

There is also that of my common sense that warns me that I should escape as soon as possible and that if Mr. Massera could have been right about anything, it was the fact that this family keeps many secrets, even among themselves.

For example, I don't know what Neville's specific role is either, does he even handle Kerem's personal accounts and finances? I can't understand any other way by which he made a transfer in his name to my own bank account.

The sound of my mobile wakes me up. This time I don't need to see it, for Neville to warn me what it is.

"I've got a flight that leaves in two and a half hours first class. I'm sorry that it can't be a private plane, that type of paperwork is usually more cumbersome."

"Don't worry," I murmur. "Tell me the amount and I'll transfer it to you. If you have an inexpensive seat, even better."

"You don't have to return anything, it's part of your work per diem."

I bite my lower lip, remembering long days ago those first attempts to match the work guidelines for which I would start working in this place with such an intense coexistence that it doesn't even seem like almost two weeks have passed, it's as if years had passed.

I nod and give him a smile.

"Thank you, Neville," I say with a lump in my throat.

He wipes the tears from my eyes and kisses my forehead in a fatherly way.

"Calm down, you'll be fine. You have a lot of talent, don't waste it and follow your dreams. May your heart be your guide."

"I think you always have the right words for each situation. I don't know if this family deserves you..."

"I owe them more than you can imagine."

"Are you leaving then?"

Thammy is behind me.

I turn to her and hug her.

"Oh, honey," she also receives me in another very comforting way. "I'm going to miss you very much, I hope we can meet another time at least for a few drinks that we owe each other."

"I hope so," I admit.

Once we are apart, I tell her, looking into her eyes:

"I also hope to meet your partner, she must be a great person if she deserves you, Thammy. Be happy."

"She'll be looking forward to meeting you, too."

"Thank you... And take care of Ali. You are his only hope at the end of the day."

She gives me a smile and hugs me for the last time.

Immediately afterwards I go up to the boy's room, passing through the cold door of Kerem's office. It is as if certain demons were flying over the place.

When I get to the sleeping child, I have to restrain myself so as not to wake him up. I just rest a kiss on his forehead, holding my hair and wipe the tears that are flooding my face.

I turn away, sniffle, and head back to the front of the house.

"There's a private driver waiting for you outside who can take you to the airport," Neville announces.

"Thank you," I tell them for the last time. Thanks, thanks..."

"Have a safe trip, Juls," Thammy announces as I drag my suitcase in search of the car. Indeed, the driver waits for me and helps me get in.

Once we're on our way, I check Kerem's chat several times and our conversations even through the language app.

I warn my friend that there was a change of plans and I will be back in a few hours, sooner than expected. She hasn't connected for three hours, I doubt she got up early. Rather, it must have been revealed, I hope she is still alive.

I sigh long and hard in some stupid hope that Neville will show up and stop me, even on top of the plane in question.

I am not capable of appreciating the luxury that first class means, but just with the turbines turned on and the monster flying over the air, I get the idea that this family is already history in my life and I am for them.

"That's it, Juls. That's it. Kerem is not coming. Enjoy the trip..."

A Baby for the BillionaireWhere stories live. Discover now