Chapter 10: My Master?

Comenzar desde el principio

"Apparently the situation that you are in is a master-apprentice learning," said by Isaac.

"Meaning?" Cassandra asked Isaac.

"Meaning that you are indeed learning solo with your new master," the dean answered.

Cassandra looked at dean then at her new master, she was seeming anxious about the idea.

Isaac turns his gaze to his new apprentice, she looked very puzzled at that moment. It took him a minute to felt Cassandra being unsure with this kind of learning.

He absorbs the new mythrecanian witch by just looking at her gestures. For him Cassandra look like the last mythrecanian holder even though she wasn't a natural born mythrecania.

He saw her having full of potential yet mostly close-minded. It might be tricky for him to teach this particular enchanter after all millennials like her are often stubborn in old-school learning. Isaac isn't that old, he just seems to be in a jam with this job.

After a minute of scanning his student's personality, Isaac finally explains to Cassandra that her learning would be different than others.

Soon after a short while, Cassandra exited the office followed by her new master, she turns to the man exchanging glances. They both stared at each other with serious expressions. Cassandra's was stubborness while Isaac's showed liked he is not going to give an ease in the training.

What it seems to be an endless staring contest was only ended when Isaac blinked. "Alright I'd admit you're strong," Isaac said.

"Thank you, Master Sharpe. I'll also gotta admit you're not quite the old grumpy master sorcerer that I'd imagined you would be."

"Thanks...excuse me?"

"What I meant was that your not an old beardy looking wizard holding a some sort of magical staff or something that I'd expected."


"I mean who still does..." Cassandra turn her attention to her master who looked unamused.

"Well to be honest those kind of a wizardry form died out hundred of years ago. But let's just say that I am kinda like them but without the old-fashioned looks."

"So my training is going to be hard?"

"Yep, now anyways since you already know that I'll be teaching you from now on I just want to give you information that your training is held at the North wing of the university. You got that?" 


"Now your class time starts at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. so make sure you won't be late."

"Seriously that long?"

"Sorry we're talking mythrecanian learning here, missy, so it needs a long process of training."

Cassandra's jaw dropped looking baffled and speechless at the same time, not believing that it would be this torturing.

"Okay if that is settled. I will be heading off to the teacher's quarters now if you'll excuse me, I'll be seeing you on Monday. It is good to know you, Ms. Meldyr, goodbye." Saying that, he turns to his opposite direction and walked away.

Cassandra watches her master shrunked through the distance in the corridors and at that moment she knew that she would be taking lessons way beyond her understanding.

Later, when Cassandra arrived at her quarters, she found her friends sitting on the front porch  they seem to be waiting for her.

"So how'd it go? Did it gone well?" Phoebe asked.

"Great, I guess," Cassandra answered unsured in her words, as she grab a chair and sat down and looked at them like she's about to sink herself into an abyss. They paused for a second. "So what happened?" Cassandra asked.

"Uhmm, what happened to what?" Harriet asked, rising her brow.

"Uhh, you know the 'go to my office misses'."

"Just peachy," Harriet replied, leaning her back to her seat and crossing her arms.

"That bad huh?"

"I mean it's not our fault, Avery, clearly started the fights and so what? Yeah, Avery's rich but that doesn't mean she can get away with it!"

"But that's exactly what just happened!" Phoebe pointed out.

The girls went silent, cooling downed their rage.

"So how did it go with you?" Penny asked Cassandra.

"Oh?, just that I'm getting a master to help me with my magic problem thats all," Cassandra replied.

"So it is a master-apprentice thing," Penny said, Cassandra nodded.

Some moments later, after the small talk the girls went inside and prepared for bed but Cassandra couldn't get her mind off about her training and her new master. What if he goes hard on me and I couldn't be able to catch his expectation and failed! I can't let that happened, I just can't!


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