Sisterhood - Part 2

Start from the beginning


Amaia was warming up a few meters away from her teammates, trying to keep her nerves in check. She could feel Bada's presence before she even saw her. Kirsten had also noticed the other girl's arrival and was about to head their way, but Amaia raised a hand, signalling I got this.

"Hey, Amaia," Bada greeted her.

"Hey, Bada, congrats on the win," Amaia replied.

"Thank you!" Bada's bright smile was genuinely. And so prettyyyy.

"I hope I can be as good as you were," Amaia said, trying to keep herself from drooling. "You guys looked amazing. All of you. And Tatter did so well."

"Yeah, I'm really proud of everyone," Bada admitted with a broad grin, as if a massive weight had been lifted from her shoulders. "But I have to give credit where it's due; I wouldn't have done so well if it weren't for yesterday."

Amaia felt herself blush, recalling the events differently.

"Hmm, sure, no worries," she said playfully. "Glad I could help THE Bada Lee after all." She did not know what possessed her to continue, saying "But I should probably try your little move to win the heart of a random person in the audience. Just in case. You know, cover all my bases," Amaia laughed, yet thinking It's not the time the flirtttttt.

Audrey, not far away, couldn't help but eavesdrop and tried to stifle her laughter. If Bada was surprised or bothered by Amaia, she didn't show it.

"You can try," BADA said with a wink. "Not sure you could do it better than me, though."

"Is this a bet?" Amaia asked in disbelief, all of the sudden not knowing where the conversation was headed.

"Sure, I can show you if you want. Call it a favor," Bada suggested, taking a smooth step closer to Amaia, invading her personal space, her face inching closer with a smirk, her finger lingering just centimeters from Amaia's face. Amaia held her breath, not fully comprehending the situation. "See, it shouldn't be so hard," Bada winked.

Amaia was DYING inside. She somehow kept her composure and managed to respond "I'll see what I can do. But it doesn't mean I owe you one!" and she finally exhaled as the taller girl stepped back, nodding her head in a final goodbye. Bada then turned to the rest of her team:

"Good luck Jam Republic!" she said, "although I'm pretty sure you don't need it. Your talent is more than enough." With that, she disappeared from the backstage.

Audrey turned to Amaia in slow motion, while the other girls had hands over their mouths.


"AUDREY. I . DON'T. KNOW. OK?" Amaia replied, trying not to actually scream so loud.

"THE TENSION BETWEEN YOU TWO IS INSANEEEEE!" Audrey couldn't contain her excitement.

"Audrey, please, shut up," Amaia pleaded.

"I mean, I hadn't seen it with my own eyes yet, but now it can not be any clearer." Latrice added.

Kirsten, still unsure how to feel about the situation, decided not to further embarrass her rookie. She said laughing, "You better put the performance of a lifetime with encouragement like that Amaia". She then clapped her hands, getting everyone's attention : "Back to work girls. We have 20 minutes left. Heads down, we stretch, we want no injuries! Everyone focus 100%". And Amaia immediately snapped up, putting all her concentration in the next hour, compartmentalizing her thoughts about what had just transpired for after the performance.

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