||14. wedding jitters||

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I woke up with a heavy weight on my chest. My eyes fluttered open to see Kavya clutching my tshirt tightly and holding me even closer.

Last night's memories came back to me when I noticed tear stains on my t-shirt.

More hardcore leg day today for you Mr. Joshi.

I tried to move but she wil just snuggle more.

Giving up, I kept staring at her, playing with her hair, gently making sure to untangle them. She untangles them roughly when in hurry and it honestly makes me so horrified.

I love her hair too much.

Sunrays played on her skin, glowing against her cheekbones and her eyelashes twinkled making me feel so much peace, I never thought it was possible.

She murmured in her sleep and slowly opened her eyes. Her cheeks were puffed up and her lips in pout.

She looked at me with narrowed eyes and muttered something. I only smiled at her and kissed her forehead.

"Good morning my baby."

"I am not your baby." She groaned and rested her cheek on my chest again, cuddling even more.

Ahhhhhh so cute.

"Tu hai, tujhe malum nahi par tu hai." I chuckled saying it as she replied grudgingly.

"You are, you don't know it yet but you are."

"Yaar, it's too early for this!" I laughed even more when she cuddled even more.

"We can sleep the whole day, if you want to, but then who'll go to pick up your parents from airport?"

"Oh yes!" She got up in such speed I was worried she'll get hurt. Running around, getting ready as if something is on fire.

Maybe it's her who's on fire.

I just sat there, man spreading on our bed, watching her run from corner to corner.

"Get up!"

And that was my cue to get ready.


At the airport, her parents were waiting for us and as soon as they saw their daughter, their smiles were so wide, one could get happy just by looking at it.

Her dad's smile dimmed a little when he looked at me.

He still doesn't like me much, but he accepted me as his son in law, not as his son though. I don't blame him.

I would hate anyone who will even try to come close to our future daughter.

God knows what I am going to do to the one who'll date Vishwa.

Probably eradicate his complete existence and make sure no one will even remember his name.

Yeah that's definitely a good idea.

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