||13. Inevitable discomfort||

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I was tensed throughout the meeting and I am pretty sure even that Raichand realised it. He gave me questionful look everytime he caught me distracted.

Truth was, somebody tried to kidnap Kavya today, and the security guards I had appointed had been seen by Kavya.

She surely must be agigated to know the truth and probably upset with me too.

I can just...feel it when she is. It's like there's a huge boulder tied to my ankles and it keeps pulling me deeper into the water.

I couldn't focus the whole day, it pissed me off but the truth was, I was feeling worried more than angry.

I reached home and reached to keep my blazer on our coat hanger when my eyes met her silhouette in the kitchen.

Kavya in Kitchen? I messed up bad.

I walked behind her and gently hugged her from behind. Softly kissing her shoulders I felt her exhale. She knew it was me that's why she didn't flinch but there was still discomfort evident in her posture. I pulled away and held her chin between my fingers.

"I am so glad you are okay." I kissed her forehead finally relieved she was okay. She was here. She was safe in my arms, and that's enough.

"Adhrit... We need to talk."

"I am listening." Her face morphed into emotionless demeanor and I knew it means I am fucked. Nevertheless I pushed her hair back, hopes she sees the gentleness and love I have for her.

"Why did you not tell me about the security guards? I thought we trusted each other." Her face was neutral as she brought the hair strands I pushed back forward, hoping I don't understand but I do, I know her. She purposely always hides her ears during court sessions because they always turn red when she's angry or overwhelmed.

"I do trust you, it's just I didn't know how to tell you." I confessed because truth be told, I really didn't.

And lying to her will fuck me bad than I already was.

"What do you mean you didn't know?" Her eyes were taunting me, I felt like I was standing in a courtroom at the stand for murder case and all eyes were accusing me.

"I- Kavya, chaandni, baby, listen to me, please. " I held her hands in my mind, hoping she sees my sincerity.
"I am."

"I had them appointed before we even started dating."

"What the hell?"

"Look, I had to keep you safe, I couldn't risk anyone hurting you and there were threats been sent to you, I was worried about you so much I went crazy, so I just had to, Kavya. I had to."

"You had to? You had to? Adhrit! For fucks sake not everything needs to be done by you and only you!" She was angry, it's my fault. Shit.

"Chaandni, you're taking it the wrong way."

"I am not! You- all this time I thought they didn't come close to me was because I was strong enough to scare them away. Now I find out it was all because of you??? Adhrit, loving me was one thing, even keeping tabs on me was fine, but doing things for me without me even asking you to is preposterous! I did not tell you to do that!"

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