Our new home

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Adam's: POV

December 15th 2023: Rosewood

I pulled up in front of our new home. I smiled softly looking at the mansion. I knew I had chosen the perfect home for us.  


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"It's beautiful Adam." said Jack. "I love the house dad and papa." said Emily happily. I chuckled softly. "I'll get the biggest bedroom." replied Addy and Aiden. "You two are so spoiled." said Emily. "We're not spolied." replied Aiden. "Yes you are honey." said Kitty and smiled. "Okay, maybe a bit." replied Addy.

I got out of the car and took a moving box. Emily gently picked a sleeping Esme in her arms. Oliver gently picked up his daughter Olivia. I took a moving box and went to the house. I unlocked the door and walked in.

I dropped the boxes on the floor and sighed tired. This week has been a hell. I feel completely exhausted. I didn't think it would be so difficult to move. Emily came in after a few minutes. Esme was sleeping peacefully in her stroller. She looked around in the house.

"It's even more beautiful inside." said Kitty. "I agree." replied Tim and Oliver. "Time to start a new life." I said. Scooby barked happily. "Scooby love his new home." replied Emily. "It makes me so happy." I said.


"Do you want to cuddle?" I asked. Yes." said Jack. We went to the living room. I lay my arm around him and he smiled softly. He put on a movie.

"Do you want some popcorn?" I asked. "Don't go." he said. "Why not?" I asked. "I love being in your arms, you give the best hugs." said Jack. "Aww, you're too cute." I replied with a smile on my face. "I love you." he said. "Love you more." I replied and kissed him. "I want some popcorn actually." he said. "I'll fix it." I replied. I kissed his nose and went to the kitchen.

They're a wonderful family

I hope you liked the chapter


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