chapter 1

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            It was another beautiful morning in the orphanage

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It was another beautiful morning in the orphanage. Scratch that. It was a horrible morning like every single day. All the girls were rushing to get ready before Ms. Blackwood came to check on us and give us our pills. The girls were separated into two big rooms. The ones from the age of 1 to 10 and the other ones from 11 to 17. We weren't many girls. I think around 30 but it was awful anyway.

I woke up in pain because yesterday Ms. Blackwood saw that I didn't take my pills before I went to sleep and said that I needed a reminder to take them. My back was hurting because of the whip. I hated that kind of punishment, sometimes she would not feed us for 5 to 10 days. That was okay the food here was horrible anyway.

Seeing the girls running around to get dressed in the uniform made me realize that I had forgotten about Ms. Blackwood and when I saw that I had 7 minutes till she came into the room I panicked. So I got out of bed and made it neat and perfect then I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth seeing some other girls that woke up late as me trying to change fast. Then I put on my uniform which contains a pair of black shoes, knee-length socks, and black skirt, and a white blouse.

            At perfect timing when I put my shoe on, the maids came in and gave us the same pills that I took for 11 years that I've been in this orphanage. Sometimes I manage to hide them under my tongue and not swallow them but yesterday Ms. Blackwood caught me hiding it so now one of the maids needs to see if I swallow it.

            As the two pills were put in my palm, one white and one green, I took them and swallowed them dry without water. I opened my mouth for the maid to see and waited for her approval that it was okay. After that, we all waited for Ms. Blackwood to speak and tell us what chores we needed to do.

"Girls today we have a different program. Today we will have a special visitor from Italy so I want you all to behave!" Ms. Blackwood yelled at us and looked into my eyes when she said no trouble. From Italy, it was strange because we sometimes got visitors from London to adopt girls. But many of the girls left at 18 because they never got adopted.

          "So today classes will be canceled" she continued talking "everyone after breakfast will go to clean and do the other chores. If I find someone taking breaks or not doing anything to know the punishments." Yelling again, all the girls were scared of the punishments including me. She was tougher on is, the older ones but if the younger girls did something really bad she would give a bad one.

            Classes were my favorite even though they weren't like school classes. I don't know what school classes mean as I don't remember going to having a life outside of the orphanage but the new girls that went to school before they were sent here told us that it wasn't the same as the classes Ms. Blackwood gave us.

            Here we didn't do math, we did like discipline classes where we learned how to behave and things like that. Sometimes we had a class where we read but it was rare because if some girls didn't behave like I did sometimes, we all suffered.

            After Ms. Blackwood told us what we needed to do before the visitor came, we went to breakfast. As I was going down the stairs in a fast walk, someone grabbed my arm and dragged me to a hallway I knew.

            One of the maids was dragging me to Ms. Blackwood's office, and I was scared out of my mind. I tried to escape the maid's grip but it was a fail. Opening the door to the office she bowed her head at the headmistress and threw me in the office.

            Not daring to look up I kept my head diving looking at my black shoes. "Look at me Narcissa" she ordered me in a harsh tone as I heard the chair moving. When I looked up and met her gaze I panicked. She had that soft smile on her face but anyone could see that was fake, and when she smiled like that I knew something bad was about to happen.

            So from instinct, I looked down at her hand hoping I wouldn't see the thing that I feared the most after a day when I was punished. Oh how wrong I was. In her hand was her whip that she would sometimes carry around the orphanage when we did chores or in those discipline classes.

            Looking in her eyes with fear and hope that she would not use it for the second time she looked at me and she clicked her tongue looking down at me. "Oh, my dear Narcissa" she started walking around the office with the wimp in her hand. The way she said my name made me shiver.

            "Why didn't you take the pills yesterday" She looked at me as she stopped in front of me. "Well, I hope you learned your lesson yesterday and you know why you're here today as well right?" When she said that I panicked. Did she see me doing that? I looked anxious around the room not being able to look in her eyes.

            I suddenly feel her hand on my chin, forcing me to look at her. "Give me it." she said in a calm tone that honestly scared me. I put my hand in the pocket of my dress and took the green pill that I was supposed to take this morning, and gave it to her. She looked at me, took the pill and forced it into my mouth, and made me swallow it.

            As I swallowed the pill a tear falled down but I wiped it fast knowing Ms. Blackwood didn't like us crying. I started to feel dizzy, that was the effect of the green pill. It would always make me feel dizzy and then I would be in a trance. The white one was different. It made me feel a little better. That's why I usually tried to hide the green pill.

            Taking my hand with my palm up, Ms. Blackwood looked me in the eyes with a hint of evilness. "You know those pills need to be taken Narcissa, I thought you learned your lesson yesterday night but it seems not." she started to to move the whip on my palm. And then on a second, she flicked the whip on my palm leveling a red line as a whimper came out of my mouth.

             "This will be a warning," she said as she whipped my palm three more times. "If we didn't have someone coming today you would have your back with ten more scars and no food for 2 days. Now go and do your chores for today" I nodded with tears in my eyes and walked to the door to leave but I was stopped by her voice. "And no breakfast for you today as you already missed it and no lunch. If you do all your chores and behave you may get dinner." and with that I ran out of her office to do my chores.



Hiii guys. This is my first official chapter so I hope you like it. I wanna say that this week I'm sick and I've been staying home so I still have time to write some more chapters but next week I will do only one chapter per week because I will go back to school.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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