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11 years ago

          In the Russo mansion laughing could be heard. All the siblings were in the living room playing with each other. 4 years old Narcissa was on Matteo's lap playing with his curly hair and sometimes tugging on it as Matteo gave her little smiles. Yawing a bit Cissy dropped her head on Matteo's shoulder trying not to fall asleep but when Matteo started to hum a lullaby she let the sleep consume her not knowing this will be the last time she saw her brothers.

          "Oh look at her, she's so cute when she's asleep" a 7 years old Mattia looked at his sister in awe as she slept on his twins lap. But as he wanted to speak a little louder, Matteo gave him a look that made him shut up. It was obvious that Matteo didn't want his twin to wake his sister up so when he saw that the boys were speaking too loud he took her to her room to let her sleep peacefully.

          As he put her in the white crib that had some flowers drawing in it, he kissed her forehead saying how much she loved her and that she will always protect her. One last look at her before Matteo left to go back to his brothers downstairs, he missed the figure that was hiding in the shadows waiting for him to leave.

          Patricia was the name of the figure that was hiding in the shadows of the girls room waiting for everybody to go to sleep so she could steal the only girl in the Russo family. So when the older twin left she took little Narcissa that was still asleep and took a backpack with some clothes and left the big mansion with the help of some guards who are now dead because they betrayed the Italian mafia.

          The whole Russo family was devastated. Santiago became so cold and he barely talk without being emotionless, Same with Ricardo but he and Santiago tried to stay strong for their little brothers.

          Elijah was devastated as well,knowing he always read a story to Narcissa before she fell asleep or when she wanted to help him cook cookies or cupcakes.

Matteo was the one who suffered the most because he was the closest with Narcissa and he already had anger issues now they were worse that before. He shut himself in his room and barley came out or he went out for hours getting back home late at like 4 in the morning. Mattia was trying so hard to put on a smile and make his brothers happy telling jokes even thought he suffered as much as them.

          But the one who felt so lost was Natcissa's twin, Nicholas. He was too young to understand that his twin went missing but as he got older he always felt a part of him missing and when he realized that Cissy wasn't here he cried and felt awful that he couldn't protect her even if the was 4 years old.

And Athena,her mother was so broken knowing her little girl was taken away from her. And the sad part was that when the meowing after she was taken, Athena was the one that found out the wasn't in her room. At first she thought that maybe one of the boys took little Cissy to sleep with them but when she checked their room her heart skipped a beat. She realized that Narcissa went missing and she broke in tears running to find Alexander.

And Alexander was very angry when he found his wife running into his office crying and trying to explain between her sobs that his only youngest daughter went missing. And with that he tortured every guard that was on duty that night and forced them to speak but they didn't said a word, so he killed them all.

And like that the happiness of the Russo family disappeared. And they never spoke her name ever again. And sadly because of Narcissa's case, Athena and Alexander went on many missions to find her and sadly died by the hands of one of their enemies.

While the brothers were searching all day and night for their sister, she was in London, living in a bad orphanage. How she got there she didn't know, the headmistress, Ms. Blackwood told her that her family abandoned her on the streets and she took her in because she felt pity for her but Narcissa knew that Ms. Blackwood would never feel pity for her. She knew she didn't care for a troublemaker like her.

So when a young man comes and visits the orphanage she finds him very familiar but she didn't know from where so she ignored her feelings but her heart told her to not ignore them.


A/n - Hello, so this is the first chapter, I said this before, English isn't my first language so please excuse the mistakes I made. If you spot one please tell me in the comments so I can fix it when I will edit the book. I hope you like this chapter <3

Narcissa (discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora