Chapter 13 ~ 2nd strategy ~

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As soon as JiKook settled themselves the reporters bombarded them with the questions.

"So Mr. Jeon is it true that you found yourself an omega again?" Reporter asked

"Yes. Meet my beautiful omega Park Jimin." Jungkook said while kissing Jimin's hand

"But rumors were that you wanted to mate with the Kim heir. Most presicely Kim Taehyung." Another reporter said

"It wasn't rumor. It was and still a fact. I wanted to mate Kim heir and I am mating him only but not Kim Taehyung, my Jimin is actually Kim. He is Kim Park Jimin." Jungkook said

Whole Kim family was shocked. It was a blatant lie. But they understood Jungkook was playing dirty game. There was a pindrop silence at Jungkook' revelation.

"So do you mean Mr. Jimin is the youngest heir of Kim family? But you yourself announced that you wanted to mate with Kim Taehyung." Reporter said

"I have announced the news that I am mating the heir of Kims. Not perticularly Kim Taehyung. It was assumed by the media that I am mating him. How can I mate him when he was already mated to another alpha!" Jungkook said

Kim family understood that with one single stone Jungkook was killing so many birds. The white lie which can saved his so called "reputation" and satisfy his ego. But for Jimin's sake they all remained silent. And as for Jimin he was to numb to react.

"Oh is it so Mr. Jeon? Then why did you made Mr. Namjoon to lose so many business deals?" A different reporter asked this time

Jungkook was shocked at this blunt question. Who dared to question him. It was as if the reporter was mocking him. He was raged. But still he acted as if the question was useless. Whereas Jimin was surprised after hearing the familier voice. So many emotions were playing in his heart.

"Come again Mr...!" Jungkook said

"Taemin. Lee Taemin. Why did you made Mr. Namjoon to lose so many deals? Is it any alternative motive behind it?" Taemin asked

"Everything is fair when you want to be at the top specially when you are handling no 1 bussiness company Mr. Reporter." Jungkook said arrogantly

"Okay let me believe if you are saying so because I might be wrong but I thought that you were rejected by Mr. Kim Taehyung that's why you pulled such a step." Taemin said coldly mocking Jungkook again

"As you said It's your thoughts Mr. Lee not mine. In fact I am offering the merging of Jeon Corporation and Kim Enterprise to Mr. Kim Namjoon. I have even documents ready. I hope Mr. Namjoon will accept my offer." Jungkook said smirking showing the documents

"But Rumours were that you even made lose Mr. Taehyung 2-3 dramas. In many fashion shows it had happened that Mr. Taehyung was removed from the position of lead model at last minute." Taemin backfired again

"Again as you said they were rumours. I am the Jeon Jungkook and I handle the no 1 business company so I don't have any free time for this silly things. And as earlier I said how can I mate him when he was already mated. In fact I have my eyes only on his younger brother." Jungkook said kissing Jimin's knuckles again

It was somewhat true. The moment he saw Jimin, he had stopped doing one night stands. He even forgot about his turnished reputation due to Tae's rejection. There wasn't any single moment when he hadn't think about Jimin.

"So can you tell me how did you two meet?" Taemin asked

"I met him in London. Since he is so young we were dating secretly. I used to meet him in London frequently. And then we found that we were destinated mates." Jungkook said

Jungkook knew he was telling absolutely lies but all he knew that he wanted to show that reporter his place. He was meddling too much. He was boiling from inside but showing calm outside. No metter what! Jimin will be his!

"Are you sure Mr. Jeon? I would like to talk with Mr. Park." Taemin said

"There's nothing to talk. You see I am very possesive alpha. Whatever you want to ask my omega. Ask me directly." Jungkook said

"Okay. Then let me ask the stragiht question. Mr. Park are ypu happy with Mr. Jeon?" Taemin asked

"Ofcourse he is happy. Infact let me share a really wonderful news. Me and my omega are expecting a pup. We are going to have a baby." Jungkook said

Again pindrop silence can be heard. Then many people started to clap. Shouts of congratulations can be heared. After applause died down, Jungkook cleared his throat.

"I hope these will answer your all questions. Now if you excuse us, my omega must be tired. We would like to take our leave." Jungkook said

With that Jungkook kissed first Jimin on his forhead then on his cheek, then he pulled Jimin closer in his embrace by putting his hand on Jimin's back possesively and went away from there.


As soon as they settled in the car, Jungkook immidiately called Hobi.

"Hyung. Find about this reporter named Lee Taemin. I want to know everything about him." Jungkook said

Kim family also left the venue not knowing a certain beta's longing gaze towards a newly mated couple who was sighing heavily.


Okay so it's 13th chapter. Hoepfully you will like it.

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