Chapter 1 The Calm before the storm

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Third person's pov

Namjoon sat on the sofa tiredly. He loosened his tie and rested his head on the sofa while closing his eyes. Annoyance and irriatation clearly visible on his face.

"What happened Joonie? Why are you so stressed?" Jin his mate asked while giving him water

"I lost the deal with Choi." Namjoon replied in angry tone.

"Again you lost the deal!" Jin exclaimed clearly shocked

"Yeah. And guess who got the deal here?" Namjoon said

"Don't tell me it's him again!" Jin said

"Yeah. That one and only. And I really don't know what to do anymore! Appa has trusted me with the company but here I am back to back losing the deals" Namjoon said frustation and tension clear in his voice

"Don't blame yourself for other's deeds Joonie. We all know that how much hard working you are! When appa has handed over the company to you it was one of the best company in the world. But due to your hard work our company reached on the second position. We all know that he is doing it purposely to get his revenge" Jin said

"That's the main thing here Jinnie. Until when we have to suffer this? When will he going to stop?" Namjoon asked

Jin had not any answer. He had never saw Namjoon this much agitated or angry. He was calm and composed by nature. Whereas Jin himself was very much hyper active, totally contrast to him still Namjoon has always been patient with him. He had rarely saw him angry even he had lost the deals back in past. But loosing again and again had started to take a toll on him.

Both were lost in their thoughts then suddenly the doorbell of their house rung.

Jin opened the door. There standing were two handsome males. One with boxy smile and other with gummy smile

"We are back." Both the males shouted happily

Soon Jin was engulfed tightly in a hug by a male with boxy smile and other with the gummy smile did side hug with him.

"Tae, Yoongi welcome home. What a pleasant surprise!" Jin said

"Joonie hyunggg." Tae rushed to his older brother

And Namjoon was also engulfed in a hug by both males.

"I missed you so so so much hyungs." Tae said while pouting

"We missed you to baby" Jin said smiling little bit

"Is that something wrong hyung? Aren't you happy to see us?" Tae asked voice cracking

"Hey baby we are so glad to see you again. And everything is perfect. Yeah indeed everything is perfect." Jin said awkwardly ears turning red

"Don't lie to me hyung. When you lie your ears always turn red." Tae said

"Well umm I lost the deal again." Namjoon said hesitated

"Omg I am so sorry hyung. So sorry. It's all because of my fault." Tae said lips treambling while eyes becoming teary

"That's why we didn't want to tell you. I knew you will blame yourself." Jin said

"First Joonie blamed yourself and now you are also blaming yourself." Jin said again

"But it's true hyung. It's my fault. Ever since that incident happened our business is suffering" Tae said while crying

"Stop it Tae. Plz don't blame yourself. If anyone here is to blame then he is that moron and no body else. That guy clearly don't know how to take no as an answer and he is out to take revenge just because his damn silly little ego is hurt." His mate Yoongi spoke for the first time while taking him in hug and caressing his back.

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