Chapter 4 ~ The countdown begin ~

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Third Person's pov

Jimin didn't know how did he reach to his home. He had become crying mess since his meet with Jungkook. He was scared of his hyungs of how they will react! In tension he couldn't it or sleep properly. It has been already three days since the time period of a week that was given by Jungkook.

What Jimin didn't know that his hyungs had noticed change in his behaviour and they all were worried about him.

"Jinnie, Tae do you know anything about Jimin? He doesn't look good now a days." Namjoon asked

"Don't know Joonie. He is skipping his meals and his eyes are always red and puffy." Jin said

"Yes hyung. I think there is something which he doesn't want to tell us." Tae said

"Why do I feel that it's matter about some alpha male in his life!" Yoongi said

"I don't think so hyung. Minnie has a crush only on Taemin hyung and vice versa. But they both haven't confess to each other yet." Tae said

"It's ok. I have good news which can brighten up his mood." Jin said

"What is it"? Namjoon asked suspiciously

"I will tell it later on." Jin said smiling


"This baby chick will become the reason for the death of mine." Jungkook said while groaning

Once again he had woken up with yet another wet dream. Yes ever since Jimin has came barging in his office Alpha had troubled sleep. Every morning he would wake up with a wet dream of certain tiny adorable omega.

Not only this, his mind has always occupied with Jimin's thoughts.

He was eagerly waiting for the week to end. Hopefully Jimin will give positive answer to him.

As soon as he reached to his office, he called Hoseok.

"Hobi hyung I want the full report on the youngest heir of Kim family. His name is Jimin. Within a day. And please keep a keen watch on him." Jungkook said

"Soon babychick soon. You will become mine. I won't let you slip away from my hands." He thought


In Kim mention every one has gathered for the dinner. Everyone were eating while chatting happily except Jimin who was toying with his food.

Suddenly Jin cleared his throat.

"So the good news I want to share with you is Joonie and I are going to be parents. We are going to have a pup." Said Jin happily

While Namjoon and Jimin looked dumbfound, Tae and Yoongi hugged excitedly Jin and Namjoon while congratulating them.

Afterwhile their initial shock, Namjoon started to twirl Jin around. But Jimin started to cry badly. At the mention of pup, it reminded him the situation he was stuck in.

"What happened baby? Why are you crying? Aren't you happy with the news?" Jin asked worriedly

"No no hyung. They are tears of happiness. I am so much happy for you guys." Jimin said hurriedly while hugging Namjin

"Oh how can I forget Minnie has always pestered and teased Jin about him becoming uncle." Namjoon said heartily

Jimin was trying to keep his tears at bay. But inside his mind the turmoil was going on.


As Jungkook asked Hobi has given full report of Jimin including his contact no. His eyes lit up at it. Without delay he called his babychick.

Jimin's phone started to buzz with unknown number. But he wasn't in the mood to pick up the call. But when it didn't stop to ring.  So after 2-3 rings he picked up.

"Hello. Who is speaking?" He asked in low and timid yet soft voice

"How are you doing my babychick?" Jungkook asked

As soon as Jimin heard Jungkook's voice, his body went rigid.

"H..How d..did you get my number?" He asked scared

"I have my ways babychick." Jungkook said

"What do you want Mr Jeon?" Jimin asked

"You know it very well what I want! Jungkook said while smirking

"Please Mr Jeon don't ask such kind of things. It is improper. How can I fulfill your such demand!" Jimin said almost sobbing

"You should have think about it before slapping me. Four days are over already. Only three days are left. I want to hear the positive answer. Otherwise consequences won't be good." Jungkook said

And with that he cut the call. Again Jimin couldn't help but started to cry badly.

Jugkook cut the call but he thought it won't leave strong impact in Jimin's decision so he decided to some more concrete thing so Jimin wouldn't able to say no.


Namjoon was working in his office. Suddenly he got the call from unknown number.

"Hello." He said

"How are you Kim? How is your business? Still losing the deals or..." The caller purposely left the sentence

Namjoon was surprised. He and Jeon has many benters but this was the first time he was calling him.

"Come to the point Jeon because unlike you I have a work to do." Namjoon said while clenching his teeth

"How's your Minnie and Taetae are doing? Jungkook asked while smirking

World came crushing down for Namjoon.

Minnie, Taetae! There's only one person who call Taehyung as Taetae!

Oh my god Jimin! How the hell did he know about Jimin! Still he decided to play ignorant. His heart was hammering in his chest.

"Jeon you better stop playing your games. And what are you talking about? Namjoon asked

"Why don't you asked that to my babychick? Oops I mean your Minnie." Jungkook said smirking

And with that he cut the call.

Namjoon immidiately cancelled his all meetings and rushed to his home.

As soon as he reached his home he shouted angrily.

"Kim Park Jimin. Come down right now....."



"I accept your proposal Mr Jeon." Jimin said


Hey lovely Jikookers the fourth chapter is here. I hope you will like it.

Thank you guys who had voted and commented. Tysm from deep of my heart. 💛💜❤💜💛❤

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Thank you. ❤😇🥰

~Indecent Proposal~ ||Jikook||Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon