Chapter 10 ~ Turn the AC on - Car romance ~

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Third person's pov

Jimin struggled to come out from Jungkook's lap. But instead Jungkook held him more tightly. So Jimin started to hit Jungkook on his chest with his tiny fists. While doing it Jimin accidently grinded himself on Jungkook. Jungkook groaned at that.

"Leave me. Leave me you monster. Free me this instant." Jimin said

"Don't grind on my lap to much babychick. Junior Jungkook is getting the attention way to much." Jungkook said smirking

First Jimin didn't understand what Jungkook was implying! Then he realized and gasped loudly. Surely there was a tent formed in Jungkook's pants.

Jimin's cheeks painted with red. He blushed profusely. For a moment he couldn't take away his eyes. Then he realized that he was staring so he looked away blushing more.

"Wow our alpha is too big." His treacherous wolf said

"Shut up you idiot wolf. And he is not our alpha." Jimin scolded to his wolf

"Leave me then." Jimin said trying to lessen his awkwardness

"Never babychick. Try to free yourself by your own. Cause I am surely not in a mood." Jungkook said smirking more now

The more Jimin struggled, the more Jungkook tightned his grip around him.

"You know babychick I am enjoying this way to much." Jungkook said

"You pervert. Let go of me now." Jimin said his entire face was red

After trying for the like nth time, Jimin got tired and sighed. An idea or you can say a very bad idea came in his mind.

And in the spur of the moment, Jimin bit Jungkook on his neck.

Jungkook growled angrily and released Jimin instantly from his grip. For a moment Jimin himself was shocked at his own deed. He covered his face with his tiny hands in horror and fear thinking the alpha would hurt him. He scooted far away from alpha as much as it possible.

Few minutes passed. But nothing happened. So Jimin decided to take a peak. He slowy removed one finger from his eyes making a v sign opening one eye. To his surprise alpha's face was very much closer to his own face smirking heavily.

Jimin's face flushed. Cheeks turing bright pink. He wanted to wipe that stupid smudge smirk from alpha's face.

"Kinky huh! I like it. I really like it." Jungkook said

Jimin couldn't believe on his ownself! How can he act like that! But this alpha would always bring out the worst side of him.

"Woah a hickey! I didn't ever think between us, you would be the first one to give me hickey." Jungkook said while checking his neck in the mirror.

"It's not h..hickey. You wouldn't leave me. That's why I had to do it." Jimin said stuttering trying to cover his embarrassment

"Still there could have been many ways to free yourself. Why to bite only!" Jungkook said making Jimin flush more

Whatever an idea came to my mind I used it. Only pervert like you can think dirty like this only." Jimin said

Jungkook just laughed at that. His ever first genuine laugh Jimin has ever seen. He was mesmerized. The way his eyes crinckled when he laughs!

Jimin was so lost in thoughts while staring at the alpha. He didn't realize the alpha was staring at him back with so much intensity.

Slowly Jungkook's eyes took the appearance of Jimin. The omega was claded in white crop top and this time loose shorts. His tiny milky waist was visible and as usual his waist was adorning delicate waist chain. His thick thighs full on display.

While going to the hospital Jungkook wasn't able to focus on anything due to his anxitey. So he hadn't noticed what Jimin was wearing. But now after getting the good news, he could finally take a breath of relaxness.

He scooted more closer to Jimin. Now leaving a only few cms gape between their faces. He put both his hands on either sides of Jimin's head thus effectively caging him.

Jimin's breath got hitched. His chest started heaving.

"I think you like to rile up me a lot. Don't you babychick? I think you want to have the repetation of what has happened in my office last time when you worn crop top and waist chain. Such a naughty babychick!" Jungkook teased Jimin

"Your mind has gone into gutter. Stop sharing your perverted thoughts to me and drive the car." Jimin said blushing furiously

"I think we need an action replay of what has happened last time." Jungkook said

And with that Jungkook literally looped his all fingers this time in Jimin's waist chain and again pulled him in his lap.

Without any shame Jungkook caressed Jimin's bare skin. And started to give him open mouthed kisses on his neck.

Though Jimin's human side always loathed the alpha. His wolf was always attracted towards the alpha. But this time a treacherous part of his human side also enjoyed this intimacy which he shared with alpha.

With a great difficulty and a little bit of regret, Jimin pushed alpha's face from his own neck by pulling alpha's hair.

"I see! You have another kink. I didn't think you would be such a naughty babychick." Jungkook teased Jimin again

"Shut up. Leave me. And drive the car. My hyungs must be waiting for me." Jimin said totally flushed now

"Nope. I am not leaving you." Jungkook said

And with that Jungkook drove his car while still making Jimin sit on his lap.

So the 10th chapter is up. I hope you will like it.

To be honest I wanted to write about Jungkook's next strategy but my mind went blank. So instead I wrote a whole chapter on JiKook's car romance. I hope you will enjoy it. 🥰🥰😉😉

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