Chapter Eighty-three

Start from the beginning

"It will all get better," he whispered in a distant, flat, quiet voice.

But would it? Clinging to the ledge, on the verge of letting go, tears welled up once more. The fear of dying gripped me, especially in front of someone I loved. I couldn't inflict this pain not just on myself but on him and everyone else in his life. I couldn't follow the path Elise had chosen or the pain she left me to suffer from.

"People will miss you," he said, slowly approaching me. "I know because I do."

I scoffed at his words, finding little comfort in the notion of being missed: "It's pointless when people miss you when you're dead instead of missing you while you're still living."

He extended his hand, inching closer. The weight of his actions, not just against me but others like my sister, grew in my mind. The more I contemplated, the more this feeling inside me intensified. When he betrayed me, I sank into sorrow, lost and hollow, and life seemed meaningless. I felt sick for longing for him, and now I feel sick for merely existing.

With a sad smile, I confessed, "I truly, madly, deeply love you for every single thing that you do."

For the first time, I meant these words from the bottom of my heart. Despite the damage, I knew that nothing equaled the love I felt for him.

As the wind whispered through the bridge's structure, a familiar voice echoed in my mind—a voice that had once promised love and loyalty. Memories flooded back, each one a dagger in my already wounded heart. The ache of betrayal and shattered trust resonated through every fiber of my being.

With a heavy heart, I closed my eyes, attempting to shut out the memories. Yet, the presence of Aaren lingered, refusing to be exorcised from my thoughts. The bridge seemed to vibrate with the weight of my despair, the echoes of our shared history reverberating through the steel and concrete.

At that moment, a decision crystallized in my mind. The pain of living in the shadow of my memory's lies had become unbearable. The void below seemed less daunting than the emptiness my mind had left in my wake. I took a deep breath, the chill of the wind biting into my skin.

A single step forward would plunge me into the unknown. The choice was clear—either to succumb to the darkness below or face the uncertain journey of rebuilding myself without him.

Taking a large step, I let go, feeling the air rush past me as I descended into the depths. Gravity held me, but my soul seemed absent.

I caught one last glint of light—the light that offered hope but also inflicted the greatest pain. Closing my eyes, I surrendered to the fall, with the water enveloping me. I let go of everything, of myself, and finally, I let him go.

Love, as I had known it, proved harder than ever, yet loving Aaren in this lifetime kept me grounded. His presence, despite the damage, made me feel more alive than anything else.

As I plunged into the depths, the darkness embraced me, and the world faded away. Yet, in that descent, a glimmer of realization surfaced. It wasn't the end; it was a transformation, a rebirth. The pain that once held me captive now released its grip, and I found myself suspended in the quiet calm of the water. The journey was not over—it was a new beginning.

I floated, weightless, in the watery abyss, contemplating the profound shift within me. The choice to let go was not an end but a transition. It was an acknowledgment of the strength within, a defiance against the shadows that once consumed me. As I drifted, a serene acceptance settled over my troubled soul.

In the distance, a dim light beckoned, promising a path forward. It was time to swim towards it, to embrace the unknown that awaited beyond the depths. With each stroke, I propelled myself through the water, leaving behind the darkness that no longer defined me. The surface grew nearer, and with it came the anticipation of something bigger than I could've ever imagined.

Emerging from the water, I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with the crisp air. The sunlight kissed my skin, and I felt a renewed sense of purpose. The world, once shrouded in despair, now sparkles with possibilities. I stood in the light of the path, reborn, ready to navigate the uncharted waters of my existence.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow on the landscape. In that tranquil moment, I embraced the beauty of leftover sadness, pain, and even happiness. Now, I welcome the promise I heard as a child of a brighter tomorrow.



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