Blake nods solemnly and looks to the night sky.

Blake: "I don't want to run... not again... not from what's important to me."

Yang gives a full smile and closes her eyes again before replying.

Yang: "Yeah. We wouldn't want anyone accusing you of being a scaredy cat."

 Ears pinning back, the surprised Blake turn to look at Yang, but smiles as she slaps Yang's shoulder.

Blake: "Oh my gods, that's awful."

The two teammates share a laugh with one another at the pun. Once their laughter dies down, Blake then asks her.

Blake: "So... who exactly is Salem?"

Yang pauses for a bit before she explains who Salem is, at least from she can gather since visiting the Branwen camp and being in Mistral. Blake just listens to her and slowly digest the information she received. 

Blake: "So... that is who we are up against."

Yang: "Yeah, pretty much."

Blake: "Huh..."

The two teammates share a look before exhaling, going silent for a couple moments until Blake glances over to Yang. 

Blake: "Hey, Yang..."

Yang: "Yeah?"

Blake: "Y/N has been rather... 'distant' since we left to this resort."

The blonde girl stretches out her arm before replying. 

Yang: "Considering everything that happened so far... that attack on Haven... Lionheart betraying us... us almost dying by Cinder and her group... Vernal getting killed... I honestly don't blame him."

Blake: "Y-You think we should do something about it?"

Yang turns her head to fully look at Blake.

Yang: "Like what exactly?"

Blake: "Uhm... I don't know... like cheer him up."

Her response makes Yang ponder for a moment, crossing her arms.

Yang: "Hmm..."

Blake: "Uh, Yang-?"

Quickly, an idea pop into Yang's head as she stands up from her spot. 

Yang: "I got it!"

Blake: "W-What is it?"

Yang shifts her gaze to Blake as a cheeky grin form on her face.

Yang: "We invite him over to the hot spring and we scrub him down to soothe him down and then we... well, you know~"

Upon hearing this, Blake's face grows red as she stutters her words.

Blake: "Y-Yang! I don't-I mean... that's... what if he doesn't want to?"

Yang: "Oh, so you're on board with this, huh?"

Blake: "I-I... well... I..."

Suddenly, Blake overhears something, raising her ears up. Unbeknownst to Yang, Blake listens to a few familiar voices pass the wall that separate the hot spring she and Yang are in. 

Y/N: "What the hell are you girls doing here?!"

Weiss: "Neo! How do you even get here before us?!"

Unbeknownst to Blake, Neo, wearing nothing but a towel, is clinging onto Y/N's arm, pressing her fairly exposed chest up against him as both Ruby and Weiss, also wearing towels, are shocked to find Neo there with him. 

RWBY: Grimm Slayer (Vol.5) (Male Reader x RWBY)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin