In another part of the field, there's a group playing badminton. They're hitting a small thing called a shuttlecock over a net. Sometimes they cheer when they score a point.

In the middle of the field, there's an exciting game of kabaddi going on. Players are trying to touch each other while saying "kabaddi" without taking a breath. They're shouting and having a good time.

Aadhi, who was 14 years old, held his 6-year-old little brother Aadharsh's hand and walked to an open area. Varun was already there, waiting for them, while Prakash was dragging a small bicycle behind him. Aadharsh is pestering them to teach him to ride a bicycle

"Aii! I am going to ride a cycle! Aadhi anna hold me!"

At first, Aadhi held onto the bicycle and helped Aadharsh pedal it. Varun noticed Prakash's gloomy face and asked, "Hey buddy, what's wrong?" Prakash turned away with a sad expression and replied, "It's nothing, forget it."

Varun persisted, saying, "Come on, tell me! What's bothering you?" Prakash still looked sad, so Varun turned to Aadhi, who was assisting Aadharsh, and asked, "Hey! Aadhi, what's going on da?" Aadhi glanced at Prakash, rolled his eyes, and answered, "Ask that idiot himself da."

Prakash let out a sigh and began speaking while drawing patterns in the sand with his toes, "Do you know Sneha?" Varun looked puzzled and asked, "Which Sneha da? The only Sneha I know is our math teacher." Seeing Varun's confusion, Prakash clarified, "Yes, she's the one! She's getting married next week."

Varun finally understood and exclaimed in joy, "Oh wow! Our math teacher is getting married?! That means no more homework or tests!" Aadhi chuckled at Varun's response.

Playfully, Prakash nudged Varun's shoulder and complained, "How can you talk like that, Varun? She's my crush, and here I am, feeling sad that she's getting married da, and you guys are relieved there won't be any more tests or homework! That's the worst, seriously."He stomped his foot and wiped his fake tears.

"Hey, bro, let me pedal on my own," Aadharsh told Aadhi. Aadhi was a bit unsure but, after Aadharsh kept asking, he allowed Aadharsh to ride by himself. Aadhi stood with Prakash and Varun. Aadharsh started pedaling the bicycle, doing well at first. But when he tried to turn around, he lost his balance and fell, hurting his knees. The three friends hurried over to little Aadharsh, who was crying a lot. Aadhi picked him up and tried to comfort him. Varun used a cloth to gently wipe Aadharsh's scraped knee. To make Aadharsh feel better, Prakash playfully tapped the spot where Aadharsh fell and said, "Look, I'm hitting the ground harder than Aadharsh fell, so it won't make him fall again!" He tried to make Aadharsh laugh by tapping the ground. When Varun saw this, he also joined in and tapped the ground to make him smile and said "How dare you! You made our Aadharsh fall! You idiot land" Aadharsh couldn't help but giggle, and soon both Prakash and Varun were joining in on the fun, tapping the ground with all their might, and laughing. Aadharsh soon forgot all about his fall and was laughing along with them, Aadhi carried him on his back, and before leaving, they made sure to buy their favorite kulfi.

Flashback ends()

Varun smiled as he reminisced about the days when he had enjoyed spending time with Aadhi and Prakash. But because of one incident involving Aadhi, everything had changed. He picked up his phone and instructed his associates to locate Sana. 

five days skip,

It had been almost two weeks since Aadhi had gone to New York. He was currently overseeing their branch offices and had taken on extra work due to a surprise partnership with Greyson. However, his family hadn't shared any of the problems that had arisen back home. If Aadhi had known about this situation, he would have dealt with it in his own way, just as he did with Karnan.SivaSeshan's men had discovered that Sana was responsible for the issues, and the police were searching for her. Aadhi and Meghna usually talked on the phone, but Aadhi sensed something was off when he heard his wife's subdued voice. Meghna felt guilty for not confiding in Aadhi about the situation. Meghna cared for Aadharsh as if he were her own child. When she saw his injured hands, she couldn't help but cry and apologize to him, feeling responsible for his injuries since he got hurt while trying to rescue her. Aadharsh comforted his sister-in-law.SivaSeshan and Prakash's parents were pleased to see Meghna taking care of Aadharsh as if he were her own child.

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