12, Trying To Find The Light

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Diana's POV.
I began pacing back and forth across the room. Me, Reiley, and Victor were locked in a cell. I held my head in my hands as I panicked. I had no idea where Theodor was or if he was even okay.

"Face it, Diana. We're never getting out of here." Victor sighed.

"We can't give up now! They all need us! Theodor needs us!" I trembled. I could even bear to think about what was happening with my Theo. He means too much for me to let him go!

"How do you think we are supposed to get out of here? There's a guard right outside our door, watching our every move!" Victor exclaimed. I looked out the cell door and noticed a security guard pacing in front of the door. I bit my lower lip to keep it from trembling.

"Diana?... Are you gonna be alright?" Reiley asked me.

"I can't lose him..... I don't want to lose him! He means too much to me! I can't let him go!" I cried. That's when I collapsed to my knees. I bawled all the tears I could for my beloved Theodor Andrei, and Reiley and Victor let me. Here I was, on my knees begging. I didn't know who I was begging to, but I was begging. I wanted Theodor to be okay. I wanted him next to me, telling me it would all be alright. I needed him next to me, but it was no use.

Suddenly, a bunch of red lights began flashing and loud alarms went off. I gasped. It was all so loud and sudden.

"Okay, what's going on???" Victor gasped.

"I don't know!" Reiley responded. We all looked up at the guard as he gasped too. Then, he groaned.

"What happened???" I gasped.

"Well, if you must know. Your Romanian friend has escaped."

My eyes lit up. Theodor was okay! Not only that, but he found a way to escape! I wouldn't lose him!

"You mean Theodor's okay???" Victor raised his tone.

"Not after we get ahold of him again." The guard cried and ran off.

"Guys! The guard just ran off! We can find a way out of here!" I cried.

"That means nothing. There's still no way for us to get out of here." Victor sighed.

"Come on, Vic! Don't lose hope! Maybe Theodor will find us and save us!" Reiley exclaimed.

"Diana, what do you think?' Reiley asked. I hesitated.

"Reiley's right. We need to find a way out of here." I spoke.

"But how?" Victor asked.

"I have an idea!" I gasped. "We all have certain powers! I'm the sheriff, so I'll attack. Reiley's the medic, so he'll heal. Victor's the psychic, so maybe he could find a way around by reading the thoughts of the guards!"

"I'm not sure if my psychic powers will be able to do that, but I'm willing to try to get out of here." Victor replied.

"You think this'll work?" Reiley asked.

"It has to work! We can't give up now!" I exclaimed.

"Alright then. When the guard comes back, Diana, you have to kill him. If you start to feel like you're gonna die, call me. I don't know if the guards would be considered the murderer if they work for the game, but it's worth a shot." Reiley spoke to me.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful." I said. At that moment, a guard came into view.

"Diana, now!" Reiley urged. I pulled out my gun. I was about to shoot, but then the guard came running towards the door yelling. It sounded like he was telling me to hold on. He stopped at the door of the cell. "It's me. Luke!"

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