07, Playing With Real Blood

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Theodor's POV.
The clock struck three. I gulped. It was time to strike. I really didn't want to do this. I just wanted to go back to bed, but I knew I couldn't.

My notebook was glowing again. I opened it. It was asking me who I'd like to shapeshift into. I pulled out my pencil and quivered as I wrote down who I would frame tonight.

"Remo Forrer"

That's when I felt a wave of air hit my body. One minute, I was Theodor Andrei. Now, I was disguised as Remo Forrer. I snuck out of my room, made my way to Blanca's room, and opened the door. The moment the door opened, I felt the headache. Soon, I didn't feel like myself. I knew that the possession took over my body, making me commit a crime I didn't want to commit...

Blanca's POV.
I couldn't fall asleep. I was too busy writing in my journal. I decided to write a love letter for Käärijä. If I die, I want him to know that I love him. I want him to know that he's my world. Oh, I just hope he won't die. I know so many people would miss him.

I heard someone walk down the hallway. They were getting closer to my room. I hid under my covers. The door slowly opened... I noticed the murderer. They seemed to be walking slower, but they seemed jittery. Almost like they didn't want to be here.

"Hello, Blanca." They said. They had a voice changer. I knew I was a goner. I sighed.

"Just tell Käärijä I love him..." I trembled. The murderer lifted their knife... I clenched my eyes shut, hoping this would be painless. I felt the knife being dug into me. I winced. My vision began to blur, and I blanked out...

Theodor's POV.
It was done... As soon as I stabbed her, the feeling left my body. I stared at Blanca as she lay lifeless on her bed. I trembled. I did that. She was dead because of me...

I couldn't stay here long, I looked at the clock. It was 3:52. I had eight minutes to get out of here. As I began to leave my room, I felt something grab my leg. I realized that what was grabbing me was a human arm. The person who grabbed my leg was revealed to be Remo!

"Oh, so the murderer is disguised as me, huh? Nice try..." Remo laughed.

"Wh-what?" I gasped. He swung his hand. He was probably trying to knock me out. I moved away before he could. He grabbed a chunk of my hair and pulled. At that moment, I noticed that I was no longer shapeshifted into Remo. I was myself again. Remo must've noticed, because his eyes widened. I scurried out of the room. I knew I shouldn't have done this!

Remo's POV.
Theodor Andrei was one of the murderers! Diljá was right!

I cackled to myself. This lock of Theodor's hair should be just enough proof to get one of the two murderers out of the way. Not only that, but I'll also he cleared of suspicion! I opened the door to Blanca's room and began to chuckle to myself. Theodor thinks he can get away with all these murders? Well, he thought wrong. I cannot wait to see the look on Diana's face when Theodor gets voted out, and his role is revealed to everyone...

Wait... Who could the sheriff be? Maybe I can rid of him sooner if I can find the sheriff! How do I go about finding them, though? Maybe I could talk with Diljá. She also thinks Theodor is the murderer, and based on the evidence I've gathered. I can get her on my side.

I knocked on her door. She opened it eventually. She had bags under her eyes like she just woke up.

"Remo? What are you doing here?" She asked in a groggy voice.

"I need your help finding the sheriff. I know who the killer is, and I have proof." I said.

"Oh, who is it??" She asked. She seemed intrigued now. I held out the lock of hair, chuckled, and said.

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