05, Can't Stand Seeing Others In Pain

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Theodor's POV.
The time was 2:45. Luke would take his next victim in about fifteen minutes. I wanted to sleep, but I was wide awake. I couldn't sleep knowing that the kill Luke makes will be in my dreams tonight.

I decided to see if Diana was alright. I opened my door. Everyone in the rooms around me were asleep, except for Luke of course. I walked to the door on my left to see if Diana was awake. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." Diana said. I opened the door.

"Theodor. It's almost 3:00. What are you doing walking around the mansion like this?" Diana asked.

"I thought I'd check on you." I said.

"But it's almost the lights off period. If you stay, the murderer could find you." Diana trembled.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." I smiled. "I just wanted to make sure you're okay."

"I'm alright. Don't worry. Just please be careful when you go back to your room." Diana responded.

"I will." I said, and just as I said that, the lights went out. 

"I guess we're both staying in my room tonight. Diana chuckled.

"Yeah..." I smiled. As soon as the clock struck three, I felt my head start to ache. It began to ache really bad. I collapsed to my knees and began to shake inside my own body. I held my head in my hands,. trying to make it stop. That's when I began to see red...

"Theodor??? Are you okay???" Diana gasped.

"I-I...." I grumbled. "I need to go to the bathroom!" I cried and burst out of the room. I stumbled a bit, but as soon as I was a few doors away from Diana's room, the headache was gone.

"Wh-what the..." I trembled. I didn't know what the hell that was. Why did it feel like something was... Possessing me? Maybe it's something that happens to the murderer when they're around innocent people. That headache... It almost made me kill Diana! I knew I couldn't be around her during the lights off period. I had to keep it under control.

I walked back to my room, but before I got there, I began to have the vision of tonight's kill. I thought that only happens when the other murderer is asleep. I shivered when I got the vision of what room Luke was going into...

Luke's POV.
I slowly walked down the hallway to find the right room. I slowly approached the Greek man's room. I began to open the door. Then I hesitated. Was this right? He's only sixteen. That's when I remembered that this was the only way to get out of here. I had to do it.

The moment I opened the door, I felt the possession take over. I was no longer Luke Black. I was a creature of which I could kill whoever stood in my way, and tonight, Victor Vernicos was that person.

I noticed that he was still asleep. That was no fun. I tore the covers off of him, and he jolted awake.

"Hello, Victor." I smiled.

"N-no...." He trembled. "Please!"

"It's too late for you now....." I smiled...

Victor's POV.
I was tonight's victim. The murderer was in my room. They were ready to kill me. I knew there was no stopping this, so I didn't try to fight it. I felt something sharp dig into my stomach. I shrieked in pain. I knew I was about to die. My vision began to blur, but before I could blank out, I noticed the murderer let go of the knife. He started to run off, and I briefly saw a man with curly brown hair walk up to me gently....

Luke's POV.
Victor was a strong one. That's for sure. He wasn't as shaky as I thought he'd be. It's alright, though. That way, I won't feel too bad killing him.

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