11, Vulnerable, But Not Defeated

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Andrei's POV.
What happened? One minute, I was there, helping Diana break into the mansion. The next, I woke up here, somewhere that wasn't the mansion . How did I get here?

I knew I had to get back thefr, but how? If I woke up here after being at the mansion, that should mean that I'm not allowed in the mansion. What do I do? Diana needs my help!

I looked around the room. That's when I realized I wasn't in my house.  I wasn't tied up or anything, so I knew I could leave. I had my phone on me, so maybe I wasn't kidnapped by anyone. Maybe I was somewhere I was somewhat familiar with but just don't know.

I opened the door and looked outside. I saw a few people sitting on the couch in the living room. One person turned their head towards me. I saw who it was.

Filip Vidušin.

"Filip? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"What do you mean? We brought you here. You were unconscious right next to the mansion. You don't remember waking up in the back seat?" Filip asked.

"First of all, no. I don't remember that. Second of all, who's we?" I asked.

"Me, the rest of LPS, and Ronnie Romero." Filip answered.

"Hey, Andrei." Ronnie waved at me.

"How... How far away are we from the mansion?" I asked. "I-I need to get back there! Diana Colea needs my help!"

"Andrei's right. We need to get over there!" Filip cried.

"Fičo, no! It's too dangerous!" Martin Mutec, the new guitarist for LPS, raised his voice.

"We have to, or else many people will die! Trust me... I've been there." Filip trembled.

"But we don't want to lose you..." Žiga quivered.

"But Filip is right. We need to save them." Ronnie spoke.

"What will it take?" Gašper asked.

"It depends on what's going on, really." Filip sighed.

"What are we waiting for? They need our help!" Zala exclaimed. Martin and Žiga looked at each other.

"Okay, but we can't afford to lose you, Fičo." Martin responded.

"You either, Zala." Gašper spoke to Zala.

"Okay then. Let's get going." I said. We all began to make our way towards the mansion.


Filip's POV.
"We're here." Zala said as she pointed to the tall mansion on the outskirts of Baku. It was barely 6 am when we got there.

"Damn, this place is huge." Martin sighed.

"Once you find your way around inside, it's not that hard to navigate." Ronnie spoke.

"Okay, but how do we get in?" Žiga asked.

"I... don't know." Andrei muttered..

"Maybe if we go around the back..." Gašper began to suggest before I noticed something glowing on the far side of the mansion.

"Guys, do you see that?" I asked, pointing to the glowing light.

"Yeah. That's odd. Maybe it's a way in." Zala suggested.

"Or it's a trap. Fičo, I don't want to risk losing you like we almost did last year!" Žiga replied.

"You won't lose me. I promise." I assured everyone. "Now, we need to find a way to get inside"

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