Kohaku wasn't fazed by the wave crashing into his ship, but the Human, however...

"Haaah!" The woman yelped as the wave flipped her small boat, sending her into the water.

Kohaku jumped off his ship and onto the ocean's surface, not wanting to take the chance of the Human drowning. He raced to her capsized boat, getting Roon flashbacks and searched for the Human.

Kohaku was starting to panic when the Human didn't surface. It's not like he could dive underwater... He's a surface vessel, not a submarine!

"Help! Help me!" 

Kohaku turned towards the capsized boat and lifted it up and out of the way. There underneath the boat was the splashing and disgruntled form of the Human. When the boat was removed and thrown away, she stared at him with a glare from under her soaked visored cap.

Kohaku's rut was screaming at him to take this Human female for himself, but he desperately pushed any desire he had down and hard.

"What the hell was that!?" She barked at him.

Kohaku looked at her, surprised, "What the hell was what?"

"Why didn't you shoot that thing sooner? I was pointing at it and giving you its location! But you decided to stand there with your head in the clouds!"

"Yeah, You're welcome..." Kohaku looked down at her as she floated in the water.

"Hmph, typical. Wait... Hold on..." The Human looked at him strangely. "you're a male?"

Kohaku looked down at himself and smiled back at her with as much charm as he could. 

"I'm all male, yes!"

"B-but... You're a Shipgirl!?"

"Shipboy, actually..."

"..." The Human stared at him like she had blue-screened, not saying a thing. Kohaku grabbed her by the back of her clothes and lifted her out of the water. The action brought her back to the moment, and she started flailing around like a toddler.


"Stop squirming!" Kohaku rolled his eyes at the woman who acted like a child.

"I will not be manhandled like this, damn you! I'm a Comman-Oof!" She yelled at him but was winded when he threw her over his shoulder and jumped back onto his ship.

Placing her on solid ground and backing away from the ranting woman, she eventually ran out of steam and looked annoyed at him.

"In all my studies and training, I have never heard mention of male Kansen..." 

Kohaku shrugged and grinned at her, annoying her even more, "I'm just built differently."

"Ugh! Well... I guess beggars can't be choosers, and you did save me..." She admitted but didn't look happy.

"I did save you, didn't I!" Kohaku's smile made her blush slightly, but she shook it off and decided to circle him, making his tails sway suspiciously.

"Hmmm, not what I expected from a Kansen, let alone a male one, but I can work with this." She hummed in thought as she stroked one of his tails.

Don't jump her, Don't jump her, DON'T JUMP HER!!

Squashing the lustful thoughts, he turned to her with a growl. Teeth bared at her in a warning. His growl died in his throat when she petted him on the head and large ears. His eyes glazed over, and he started panting hard. His face turned bright red.

His face must have been incredibly erotic to the woman. You could almost see the condensation coming from his mouth when he panted. Kohaku was lost in the sensation of receiving a head pat and ear stroke.

The woman smiles at the sight. What an adorable fox! She had decided, "Hmmm, It's decided!" 

Her voice brought Kohaku back from the brink, "Uh... Eh!? Decided what? Stop petting me!" Kohaku jumped out of the woman's reach. All she did was smile in delight.

"I've decided that you." She points at him, "Will be my starter ship!"

Kohaku's glazed eyes struggled to comprehend her words. 

Damn, rut!

"Starter ship?" Kohaku shakes his head at her words, trying to regain control of his senses.

"Yep... It's perfect. I'll be the first Naval Commander in history with a male Kansen starter!" The woman jumped up and down in joy and clapped.

"Naval commander?" 

"Oh! Right... My name is Fubuki Ishii, one of the newly appointed Commanders of the Admiralty. My first station is Azur Lane. The Admiral there expects me, but I run into a bit of trouble on the way there, as you can tell...Hehe"

Kohaku looks at her with wide eyes, a white uniform, a sword, and an annoying personality.

It all makes sense.

Commander Fubuki bows to him and smiles excitedly

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Commander Fubuki bows to him and smiles excitedly. Her small brown-haired ponytail bounces behind her as she does so.

"My first ship! I can't honestly believe it!"

Kohaku's mouth opens, but no words come out... This wasn't planned!

"Hey, Say something... Want more head pats?" She looks at him with a victorious smile, arms crossed over her soaked uniform, tapping her foot.

"... Yes..." Kohaku's eyes shut in disgust, and he screams internally when he blurts the confirmation out. Soon, his mind crashes when she skips over and pats him again.

F*cking rut, It's all your fault!

I'm a proud Kitsune and Shipboy! 

This is all wrong!

His mind and body are at war as his tails start wagging, and he again pants hard like a dog while saliva drips down his chin.

He's not a dog... He really isn't!



There was no way Kohaku would stay in port surrounded by all those women, especially the other Kitsune girls.

Warspite attempted to follow him, but she was a pre-war dreadnaught, so there was no way.

Kohaku saving damsels on the high seas certainly wouldn't bite him in the ass.

So there is now a Human Commander on the scene, and she's called Fubuki. Yes, its Fubuki from Kantai Collection. 

It looks like Kohaku is now a started ship. I bet you didn't see that coming. 

For those who think Kohaku is about to become a Simp for the new Commander, don't worry, he isn't. I've tried to emphasize his rut as best as I can.

I own no Art or Gif's

Thanks for the votes and support!


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