Chapter 8 - God Help The Outcasts

Start from the beginning


Meanwhile, within the rafters of the bell tower and amongst the bells themselves, Quasimodo sat alone, his heart full of sorrow. He was deep in thought, burdened by the memories of what had transpired earlier at the festival. Yet, the thought of his sister cut through it all and he looked up. She had not yet come back from confessionals and he grew slightly worried. He then decided that it was probably best to go and check on her.


Esmeraldo walked down an aisle full of lit candles that illuminated him, painting a picture of a hopeful soul, desperate for a solution.

🎵Esmeraldo: "God help the outcasts, hungry from birth. Show them the mercy they don't find on Earth. God help my people; we look to you still. God help the outcasts or nobody will."


From above, (Y/N) continued to look down at the young man, touched by his words. He did not pray for himself nor ask for anything that could benefit him. He prayed for all gypsies, for his people. And the act warmed her heart.


She turned to see Quasimodo coming towards her, his face filled with confusion.

"What are you- "

"Shhh." She softly hushed him.

His expression became even more confused and she merely answered by pointing her finger, straight at Esmeraldo that now walked down a hall. He passed parishioners, who were heading to the front to each be blessed by the Holy Spirit. Yet he moved in the opposite direction, still voicing his own prayers.

"Just watch." She explained, going back to looking at him and Quasimodo soon joined her.


🎵Congregation: "I ask for wealth. I ask for fame. I ask for glory to shine on my name."

As they all gathered to the front, with a stained-glass window of Jesus shining its light down upon them, they all continued to pray for themselves, raising their hands up to the window so that they may be blessed.

🎵Congregation: "I ask for love, I can possess! I ask for God and his angels to bless me!"

🎵Esmeraldo: "I ask for nothing. I can get by. But I know so many less lucky than I."

He continued to sing, not noticing the siblings slowly coming down the stairs, to get a better listen. Both were entranced by his selfless words and both, in different ways, resonated with them.

🎵Esmeraldo: "Please help my people, the poor and down trod. I thought we all were the children of God. God help the outcasts, children of God."

He finished his song, standing in the centre of some stained-glass light, holding out for a miracle and that his prayers may be answered. Djali came over, nudging his leg and he knelt to hug his furry companion. 

Quasimodo smiled at the gypsy man, touched by his words as he leaned against a pillar. As for (Y/N), she was peering out from behind it, staring at Esmeraldo in awe. He was such a kind person and all she could wish for was that his prayers be answered.

However, a voice interrupted the heartfelt moment, bellowing out, "You! Bell ringer! What are you doing down here?"

This startled the siblings, causing Quasimodo to knock over a candleholder, gaining himself even more unwanted attention. Though it got Esmeraldo to notice them as well.

"Haven't you caused enough trouble already?"

"Leave him alone." (Y/N) defended but no one seemed to care for her words.

"This does not concern you."

She wanted to object but was stopped as Quasimodo began to run up the stairs, fleeing for the safety of the bell tower.

"Hey, wai- " Esmeraldo tried to get her attention but she wasn't even focused on him.

"Quasi, wait!" She called, rushing after her brother.

"Wait!" Esmeraldo called, rushing after them. "I want to talk to you."

Quasimodo made it to the top of the staircase, running as fast as he could inside, with his sister not far behind.

"Quasi, please wait!" (Y/N) begged.

Esmeraldo soon made it to the top, just as Quasimodo made it into the bell tower. Meanwhile, as this chaos went on, no one noticed the gargoyles watching out over them from inside.

"Look! Quasi's coming back." Laverne called.

"Yeah but why's he runni'?" Hugo wondered.

Just then they noticed both (Y/N), Esmeraldo and Djali coming up behind him.

"Oh, look. Our (Y/N)'s got a friend with her." Laverne cooed.

"Yeah, maybe today wasn't a total loss after all." Hugo added.

"A vision of loveliness!" Victor proclaimed.

"The guy ain't bad either." Hugo stated.

Just as Quasimodo and (Y/N) entered the bell tower, the gargoyles hopped down to greet them.

"Nice job, you two!"



"What are you guys talking about?" Quasimodo asked.

"I knew you had it in you to make a friend, Quasi!" Laverne cheered.

"Actually, I- "

"Yep. Not mention (Y/N)'s got the boys chasing her already!" Hugo added.

"Guys, wait. You don't- " (Y/N) tried to explain but they weren't listening.

"You two mustn't run too fast or he'll get away!"

"Yes, I-I-I know. That's what I'm- "

"Give him some slack, then reel him in, then give him some slack, then reel him in, then give him some slack- " Hugo interjected, providing his own advice, which only seemed to irk Laverne.

"Knock it off, Hugo. He's a guy, not a mackerel."

Before any more could be said, Esmeraldo and his goat had caught up to them. The gargoyles quickly reverted back to stone before they could be exposed.

"Here you are. I was afraid I'd lost you two." Esmeraldo breathed out, grinning at the two siblings.

(Y/N) smiled at him, happy that he had caught up. But Quasimodo shied away from him and fiddled with his fingers. 

"Yes, well, I-I have chores to do and so does my-my sister. It was, uh, nice seeing you again." Quasimodo tried speaking but he kept fumbling his words, coming out awkwardly, and in his frustration, he hurried away up the bell tower steps.

"No, wait!" Esmeraldo pleaded, rushing after him with Djali and (Y/N) right behind him. "I'm really sorry about this afternoon. I had no idea who you were. Who either of you were. I would never in my life on the...stage."

His words slowly left him as he climbed up, seeing coloured glass hung from the lower-hanging ceiling, the light that passed through them illuminating the room with different hues. And there was also the model table, filled with wooden figures, houses and buildings. Not to mention all the bells of Notre Dame, proudly placed within the building, that gave the city its sound and its life. 

He gazed around in awe, not ever imagining such beauty and creativity hidden within these rafters as he asked, "What is this place?"

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