🔞Rain x Reader - High Enough

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Guys... don't judge me, it's my first one!
Tw! Emetophobia (has nothing to do with the sex!)

Anyways, I hope you'll like it!

“Two shots, please,” I said to the bartender and sat down on a bar stool. My head hurt from stress and I just wanted to relieve it somewhere.
The bartender handed me two shot glasses filled with a clear liquid and I smiled slightly.
“Thank you,” I quickly downed one after the other. The slight burn in my throat felt good and I knew my worries would soon be gone for a few hours.

“Two more, please,” I said to the bartender, who immediately made me two more. He placed it in front of me before turning to the other guests.
“Wouldn’t you rather take it slow?” A familiar voice asked as I was putting the glass on my lips. As I turned around, I noticed Rain's worried look. His blue eyes darted between my glass and my mouth.

"What are you doing here?" I asked confused and put the glass down before I had a drink.
"I could ask you the same question" he said calmly, which frustrated me a bit. I sighed deeply and looked at the two glasses.
"Just... a stressful day," I confessed and saw him nodding out of the corner of my eye.
"I understand, because I had a stressful day today too" he sat down on the stool next to me.

“Do you want one too?” I asked, pushing the second shot towards him. Rain looked at it uncertainly.
"I don't know if it's a good idea to drown your sorrows in alcohol," he admitted, but sniffed at the glass anyway.
"Why not? Give it a try." I grinned and finally he took the glass uncertainly in his hand.
"Cheers!" I said and we clinked glasses.

We downed the shot together. Rain looked really funny doing that. He grimaced in disgust and shook himself briefly.
"That's disgusting" he muttered and I giggled

"It's not that bad. You'll be used to it after the second one at the latest."
I ordered two more shots from the bartender, who gave them to us shortly afterwards.
I pushed the second one to Rain, who grimaced in disgust.
"No thanks" he mumbled, making me smile.
"Are you scared?" I asked him teasingly, to which he looked at me indignantly.

"Of course not! I just don't think it's particularly beneficial to drown your worries in alcohol and kill your brain cells with it!" He explained and I had to laugh.
"Okay, Romeo, I didn't really want a medical explanation for this" I giggled and saw him blush.
"So bad?" He asked embarrassed, looking at his hands.

"Hey, it's okay, relax!" He still looked at me ashamed.
"You don't have to drink the shot and you don't have to be embarrassed about it either" I looked at him reassuringly. He seemed to think for a while before looking at me with a sigh.
"You know what? How about we just get drunk while you tell me about your worries?" He asked and I looked at him surprised.

"Where did the change of heart come from?" I asked confused and he smirked.
“Well, I think I want to be brave today,” he took the second shot in his hand and downed it. He made a face again, which looked really funny.
"You're very credible, Romeo," I joked, to which he looked at me confused.

"Why Romeo? My name is Rain" he blushed.
"I know, but Romeo fits too, doesn't it?" I asked, to which he just looked away again.
"I don't know, maybe so, yes," he said, a little overwhelmed."
"Relax, I'm just teasing you" I giggled and ordered two more shots.

A while later we left the bar. We were both drunk and on our way home.
We had poured our hearts out to each other and drank together over the last few hours and Rain relaxed after a while.
I had never seen him drunk before, at least as drunk as he was today. But if I had seen it before, I would have made him drink more often. He was suddenly so confident and talked a lot. Much more than usual.

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