Primo - Elizabeth

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Tw! Death and cancer

I sat tensely at the breakfast table with Papa Nihil and my two younger brothers, waiting for something in particular. I was so nervous I could hardly breathe and had to tug at my clothes. I couldn't wait long enough for that door to open.

"Primo?" I heard Papa Nihil's questioning voice, which made me look up. His stern gaze seemed to stare straight into my soul.
"Yes, Papa?" I cleared my throat a bit so he could hear me.
"What's the matter with you? Where are your table manners?" he asked sternly, making me look uneasily at my eaten bun.

"Sorry papa, won't happen again." I explained politely, whereupon he just nodded.
"There's someone in love, how disgusting!" I suddenly heard my brother Secondo's voice saying next to me, so I kicked his leg to make him shut his mouth.

"Ouch!" Secondo bumped his knee against the table top so that it wobbled completely.
"Boys!" cried Papa in his stern voice that made us both look at our plates in silence and not move aside from breathing.
"What's the matter with you two today?" Papa asked sourly and looked at us expectantly. I looked at Secondo. If he didn't come up with a good excuse right away, I'd kill him right there. We both knew my secret, but if he broke his promise and told Papa, he'd probably loose his head before he could say "Satan." However, ever since he hit puberty, Secondo has been super busy and never thought about the consequences of his actions.
Secondo caught my warning glare before glancing nervously at Papa, trying to stand up to him.

"Primo is in love!" he shouted and immediately jumped up from his chair to flee. With an angry face, I grabbed his arm so he couldn't move away.
"Come here you little rat!" I shouted, whereupon Secondo screamed in fear.
"Boys!" Papa Nihil shouted, but we both ignored him while I tried to hold on to my little brother, who was spinning like an eel in my grip. I just hated him so much.

"Boys!" Papa yelled as he stood up and slammed his palms on the table. Secondo and I both jumped and I heard Terzo gasp in shock. I immediately let go of Secondo and we stood side by side, looking at the ground in front of us,
"Sorry, Papa." we both said together and I hoped that was enough.
Nihil sighed in frustration before slowly but gracefully sitting back down in his seat.
"If you both don't stop immediately, you'll get a penalty!" he threatened us through narrowed eyes.
"Did you understand that?" he asked and we both nodded.

"I couldn't you." he said angrily.
"Sorry, Papa." we repeated in unison before Nihil finally gave a hand signal for us to sit down again.
"Papa, can I go?" asked Secondo, whereupon Papa nodded. However, I could tell from his look that I didn't have the same privilege.

My brother immediately got up and left the dining room. A tense silence reigned in the room and apart from the ticking of the clocks and Terzo's smacking, nothing could be heard.
"What was that about, Primo?" asked dad after a while. His voice was calmer than I expected.
I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, Papa. My feelings just got the better of me." I confessed, scratching my arm nervously. No matter what came next, I don't think I liked this conversation.

"What exactly got you so angry?" he kept asking and I wished inside that he would stop. I felt his gaze clearly on my skin, as if he were slowly burning it off with his eyes.
"That... that he didn't just shut up." I stuttered and Papa laughed lightly.
"Oh my son, something like that shouldn't upset you." he put a hand on mine. With the other he motioned for a ghoul to pour him more wine.

"Someday you'll be the next Papa Emeritus, my son. Then there will be no more secrets in your life. You'll be lucky if the entire Ministry doesn't know who slept in your bedroom last night." he sat up and took his glass of wine with him.
"Papa... isn't it... exhausting when your personal life is completely gone?" I asked uncertainly, whereupon he just shrugged.
"You will get used to it and learn to even enjoy it." he took a sip.

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