Aether-Life Eternal

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TW! Death, Grief, mention of losing a child, heart-attack


I felt bad the whole day. I had pain in my breast and I didn't know where the pain was coming from. Maybe I just had a bad sleeping-position last night. Also I was very tired the whole day. I felt weak but maybe this was because of the hot temperature. I sat down on my couch and startet the TV to watch a movie or a series on netflix. I sepped through it and looked for something I could watch. Suddenly I heard someone, trying to open the door with their key and then the door opened.

"Whisp?" I heard Aethers Voice ask. "I'm home!" I heard how he layed down his keys on the dresser that was standing next to the door like he always used to. "I'm in the living room!" I answered so he know that I was here. After a few seconds he walked in."Hello, Love of my life." he said with a big smile while he walked to me and I smiled back a bit. I just didn't felt good enough for a big smile. He noticed it and his Smile disappeared."What's wrong, my Love?" he asked and sat down next to me with a worried face."I don't know. I just don't feel good and I'm very tired." I said and he came closer a bit. "Can I help you somehow?" he asked. "Do you know why You're feeling bad?" he said and started stroking my hand.

"I think I'm just tired because of the heat. And I layed in a bad position last night. That's why my breast hurts." I mumbled before he stood up again."Just give me a second." he said before he left the room. After a while he finally came back. In his hands he held a plate and da big Glass of water. I had to smile a little bit because it was so cute."What are doing?" I asked and he smiled very big."You know, it is very hot outside." he started and I nodded. "But I know that you don't drink enough because you always forget it. And it wouldn't be the first time you would dehydrate.Because this happens to you very often. That's why I have a big glass of water here and a few grapes and apples put of the fridge. You can't say no." he smiled and you started laughing"You're so sweet my big man" I said and he puffed out his chest proudly."Now you drink something please." he said and gave me the glass of water before he sat down next to me while he was still holding the plate.

I started drinking that water and it felt very good."You have to drink the whole glass!" he said and I looked at him. I sighed before I drank the whole glass."Are you happy now?" I asked and he nodded. "Yes I am." he smiled and looked at me."Do you wanna cuddle, even though it is too hot?" he asked and I nodded very quickly"Yeah I'd love to." I said and he laid his arm aroud me and pulled me closer. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes for a few seconds."Eat something. You'll feel better after it." he said and reached me te plate with the fruits. I took a grape and ate it. The grape was very sweet but also cold, just how I loved them.

"I'm sorry I didn't made dinner for you but I was so tired." I look at him, sadly because I was very sorry."Oh, Love, it is okay! I'm old enough to make dinner on my own. If you don't feel good enough or just don't want to do it, I can do it!" he smiled and gave me a soft kiss on my cheek what made me blush a little."And besides that: I still have cold apples and grapes. What could be better than that?" he joked and I had to laugh before he took one of them.

"Did you wanted to watch a movie?" he asked and pointed at the TV. "Yeah. A Movie or a series. I'm not sure honestly." "We could watch your favourite TV-Show if you want." he said and you looked at him confused."I thought you'd hate that series." you say and he just shrugged his shoulders.'"I've seen TV-Shows that were worse than this one." He smiled and I just pulled myself closer to him. I just loved him so much. He was always so gentle and soft and he'd do anything for me, I knew that.

"Well then let's watch shadowhunters." I said and started the series. We watched for a few hours while we were cuddeling and eating the grapes and apples but I didn't start to get better it just got worse."Does it get better?" he asked and i nodded. I knew I lied to him but I didn't wanted him to be worried. "Really?" he asked and looked at me, suspicious.""Alright. Not really. It's like it would get more worse." I mumbled and looked at him."Should we go to a doctor?" he asked but I shook my head immediately."No I don't want to. You know I don't like hospitals and maybe it is nothing bad.""But what if it is something bad?" he asked and looked straight into my eyes. I could see that he was worried but I didn't wanted to see him like that."We still can go to the hospital tomorrow. I promise you, that if I don't feel better until morning, I'll go to the doctor." Aether sighed.

Ghost bc oneshots english Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora