Sodo - Thunder

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I haven't been in the ministry very long. I was only sent here from hell about two months ago and now I'm trying to settle in here. I had made friends with the other ghouls and got along well with them. I began to understand how life on earth worked.

But today was a very strange day. After many hot summer days, it rained, but the sky often sent bright lightning bolts across the sky, followed by a loud bang. I knew they called it "Thunderstorm" but it scared me. I thought rain was great, but that was too much for me.

I lay in my bed under my blanket and hid underneath. Even my head didn't stick out. Suddenly everything around me became bright and only a few seconds later there was another bang, which made me flinch. I hated it here, I wanted to go home because I hadn't experienced anything like that there.

I heard my cell phone, which was on my bedside table, vibrate when it got a message and hesitantly I came out from under the covers. With shaking hands, I picked up my phone and saw on my screen a message from Papa. He asked if we were all at the ministry or if we were wandering somewhere outside in this weather. Rain was the first to reply that he was there and wouldn't be going out in this weather. That was very encouraging...

Now I replied that I was in my room before putting my phone back on my bedside table. I looked anxiously at my window. It was pouring rain outside and the wind made the tree sway dangerously.
"I hate it here..." I murmured and suddenly another flash, this time accompanied by a loud bang, and my lamp went out. I cried out in shock and looked around my now dark room. My heart was racing and I was gasping for breath. I hurriedly hid under my blanket.
With every second that the storm lasted longer, I hated it more and more. It was so dark in my room and the noises from outside scared me.

After a few minutes I suddenly knocked on my door and it opened. I didn't want to see who was there, so I stayed under my covers.
"River?" I heard Sodo's calm voice, which relieved me. A warm light illuminated the room somewhat.
"Papa asked me to bring you some candles while the power is out." he said indifferently, but I didn't always appear.

"T-Thanks..." I whimpered. I heard his footsteps as he approached me and the light grew a little brighter.
"Is everything okay?" He asked confused and I nodded, even though I had no idea if he saw that.
"Yeah... leave me alone" I murmured and I heard him set the candlestick down on the bedside table. He would leave me alone now, but did I really want that?
Suddenly I felt the blanket being pulled away from me.

"Hey!" I called and grabbed it, but Sodo was stronger.
"Give it back to me!" I whimpered, but he didn't.
"Why are you crying?" he asked confused and cocked his head.
"I want to go home." I murmured and suddenly there was another flash in the sky. I jumped in shock and snatched the blanket I was hiding under from his hand. Immediately I started shaking and whimpering again.
"Are you afraid of thunderstorms?" Sodo asked amused and I even heard him giggle a bit.

"That's not funny!" I yelled at him angrily. It pissed me off that he was laughing at my fear.
"I'm sorry." he immediately apologized and I felt my bed sag slightly under his weight as he sat down.
"Why are you afraid of thunderstorms?" he asked calmly and I shrugged.
"I dunno. It's just so... noisy and scary." I murmured and whimpered as thunder and lightning roared again.
"This is all new to you, right?" he asked and I nodded.

"This is my first thunderstorm and it's so... scary." I mumbled because it really scared me.
"Oh River, it really isn't dangerous." he said calmly and pulled the covers away from me again, but this time slowly and gently. I looked at him. The flickering candlelight made his face look different than usual, but I could tell he was calm and his red eyes studied me calmly, too.

"If it's not dangerous, then why did Papa ask if we were here?" I asked uncertainly and Sodo looked at the floor in front of him.
"Well, I have to be honest with you. If you're out somewhere, a thunderstorm is dangerous." When he said that, my eyes widened and I looked at him anxiously.
"What?!" I asked in horror, but immediately he raised his hands soothingly.

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