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Chapter 34: A Multiverse of Endless Stories - Naruto's Grand Decision

Naruto's insatiable curiosity and desire for new forms of entertainment led him to make a monumental choice—expanding his Multiverse to include infinite manhwa worlds. These worlds, brimming with unique systems and abilities, would become his ultimate source of amusement.

Chapter 34.1: An Infinite Canvas - Manhwa Worlds Unveiled

With boundless creative power, Naruto crafted an infinite number of manhwa worlds, each with its own set of rules and possibilities. These realms would become the stage for countless adventures, challenges, and tales waiting to be told.

Chapter 34.2: A Message to Odyssey - Farewell, for Now

Naruto conveyed his intentions to the inhabitants of Odyssey, explaining his decision to observe the Multiverse from space as a form of entertainment. The 50 billion-strong population felt a profound sense of sadness, but they respected Naruto's longing for new adventures.

Chapter 34.3: Transition of Leadership - Lelouch's Important Role

In the wake of Naruto's decision, he entrusted Lelouch Lamperouge with the crucial task of selecting a new leader for Odyssey. Lelouch, now immortal, would play a pivotal role in this transition, and he would remain as an advisor to the new leader.

Chapter 34.4: Eternal Companions - Naruto and Lelouch's Infinite Journey

As the transition of leadership began, Naruto and Lelouch prepared to embark on a new chapter of their eternal journey. From their vantage point in space, they would watch over the countless manhwa worlds, sharing in the joy of discovery, and relishing the stories that would unfold.

Chapter 34.5: The Book Closes - A Multiverse of Endless Tales

With the Multiverse now filled with infinite possibilities and stories, Naruto and Lelouch found themselves in the ultimate position to be entertained for all eternity. As they gazed out into the cosmos, the book of their adventures closed, but the pages of the Multiverse's tales remained open, ready to be written anew.

(Book End)

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