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Chapter 22: The Return to "The Bird is the Word"

Naruto, true to his promise, embarked on a journey back to the world he whimsically named "The Bird is the Word," or simply Earth to its inhabitants. The manhwa-centric realm awaited his return, and Naruto was curious to see how it had evolved.

Chapter 22.1: A Dynamic Manhwa World - Earth's Growth

Upon his arrival, Naruto witnessed the vibrant and dynamic world he had created. Earth had thrived in his absence, with the characters from various manhwa series coexisting and crafting their own narratives.

Chapter 22.2: Manhwa Creations Unleashed - Lucius and Others

Characters like Lucius and many more from different manhwa series had settled into their new home. They had embraced the freedom to shape their destinies and engage in adventures that transcended the boundaries of their original stories.

Chapter 22.3: A Multiverse's Playground -

Naruto's Vision Realized"The Bird is the Word," or Earth, had become a playground of creativity and imagination. Manhwa characters interacted, formed alliances, and embarked on journeys of their own. The world Naruto had envisioned had come to life.

Chapter 22.4: Reminiscence and Renewal - Naruto's Reflection

As Naruto wandered through Earth, he took moments to reflect on his journey. He reminisced about the countless worlds and characters he had encountered, the friendships he had formed, and the challenges he had overcome.Chapter 22.5: The Multiverse Awaits - A Journey ContinuesWith a sense of fulfillment and anticipation, Naruto prepared to depart from Earth once more. His Multiverse was vast, and countless adventures and challenges awaited him. He knew that there were still many worlds to explore and stories to be written.As he bid farewell to Earth and its manhwa inhabitants, Naruto looked ahead to the next chapter of his multiversal odyssey.

(End of Chapter 22)

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