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Chapter 17: The Selection Process - Forging the Royal Guard

With the conclusion of the mock battles, the Royal Guard Exam entered a crucial phase—the selection of candidates who would become the protectors of Naruto's Multiverse.

Chapter 17.1: Evaluating the Candidates - Strength, Character, and Potential

The Proctors, including Gojo Satoru, Gon Freecss, and other leading figures, gathered to evaluate the candidates. Their assessments went beyond combat skills; they considered character, determination, and potential to shape the Multiverse's future.

Chapter 17.2: Unveiling the Chosen - The Royal Guard Roster

As the evaluations progressed, the roster of the Royal Guard began to take shape. Candidates who had shown remarkable growth and resilience during the trials were offered positions as protectors.Among those chosen were Gon Freecss, Killua Zoldyck, Baki Hanma, and others like Ezdeath (secretky added world sao's kirito) and jotaro kujo(also secret). Each member of the Royal Guard represented a beacon of hope and unity in Naruto's Multiverse.

Chapter 17.3: Responsibilities of the Royal Guard - Protectors of Peace

The selected candidates were entrusted with the responsibility of preserving peace and harmony across the Multiverse. They would work alongside the Sannin Council and uphold the values of courage, unity, and honor.Naruto addressed the newly formed Royal Guard, emphasizing the importance of their role in maintaining balance and safeguarding the Multiverse's future.

Chapter 17.4: Challenges Ahead - A Multiverse's Journey

With their positions secured, the members of the Royal Guard braced themselves for the challenges that lay ahead. Their journey was far from over, and they would face threats, trials, and adventures across the Multiverse.As the new protectors of Naruto's realm, they were united by a shared purpose—to ensure that the Multiverse continued to thrive and evolve.

Chapter 17.5: A Multiverse in Motion - The Tale Continues

The Royal Guard, with their unique abilities and unwavering determination, marked a new chapter in the history of Naruto's Multiverse. The tale of their adventures, alliances, and challenges was far from over, as they embarked on a journey that would shape the destiny of countless worlds.The next chapter will delve into the Royal Guard's first mission, a test of their unity and strength as protectors of the Multiverse.

(End of Chapter 17)

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