Ch.41 [ Creation Zwei(2) ]

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Suddenly his face was kicked into the ground. Completely malformed.

'BOSS!' One of the men shouted as golden threads appeared near their necks.

Yang and Ruby watched with fear. 'Threads?' Ruby muttered as she noticed them, while others rushed at the unknown man.


Their heads cleanly fell off.

' H-Hey... Pal. Can we like... strike a deal? ' Yang called out quite shaken with what just happened. 'Not everyone can use Aura... He's got to be someone strong! I'll protect you Rubes...' Thoughts ran through Yang, as the man simply walked over to Ruby.

'Umm- Mister?' Ruby spoke as she suddenly felt the binding on her arms get loosened down. As she could easily slip out of them.

'Akira.' The man spoke as he walked over to Yang and also loosened her binds.



'Soooo, you mean. That you have no intent in enslaving us?' Yang asked while looking at the man who rescued them suspiciously. Her motorcycle Bumblebee was broken by the men from before.

' No. I have completely zero intent. ' Akira spoke calmly as he and Ruby finished setting up a small campfire. ' Now to get fire going... Thank you, Mister! ' Ruby unlike Yang thanked the man.

' Umm... How do we make campfire again? ' She asked as Akira simply knelt down and created sparks, as small flames appeared and he started the fire.

' Let's say I "Believe" you, What are the odds you won't just "Taste" us in sleep? ' She asked still completely suspicious of the man. ' I hate rapists, my kill-count of them is beyond my count.... But its at least at about 30 thousand, so do are Cannibals and Pedos. ' Speaking calmly he took out Omen as both of them became wary.

' Just sit down, sticks won't keep the fire up for night. ' As he said calmly, a layer of thin dark violet aura covered the blade. 

// Few Trees later \\

Finishing placing the trees around them in a manner of "Natural assistance". He calmly sat opposite the two girls as they were hugging each other for more warmth.

Few smaller logs on side to keep up the fire.

' I know its rude Mister... but do you happen to have some food? ' Ruby asked red from embarrassment. Akira simply nodded and took out some spare food from his <Pocket Dimension>.

'Bread, meat, potatoes and cabbage. I can make a soup if you want? Should have a pot around.' He kept searching through his Semblance as he finally pulled the pot out.

Both girls stared at him with saliva dropping from their mouths... ' How long... '

' Weeks.... ' Both of them muttered as he simply created a small stool-like thing from ice to hold the pot and started putting in the meat with potatoes, while using fire control and ice from Maiden powers to create water.

' Are... *gulp* Are you really doing this... without expecting anything in return? ' Ruby asked quietly as Akira simply nodded.


' Shit! Grimm! ' Yang shouted as Ruby hid behind her in fear.

Akira released a sigh at the girls reaction. 'Seems like Grimm are more... dominative here, or stronger since even those two don't have Aura...' 

He simply stood up as the girls watched him. ' Back, off. ' At his words, they both looked towards the direction of growling. As a massive Beringel moved between the makeshift cover from trees.

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