Ch.4 [Hunting Vanta 2]

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We all are slowly moving towards the spot, where Beowolves were seen.
And Sienna is constantly staring at me.
Me: What?

She points at my face.

Sienna: Your eyes don't release the black fire thingy.

I nod as everyone makes a small talk.

Sienna: That's... interesting?

Me: A bit.

Sienna: Any idea why Grimm wanted to get you so much?

I only move my head sideways.

Me: Wait. Who's on the watch?
Sienna: Ark is.

I stretch a bit, and look around.
There's less and less trees now.


Me: I'll bet ten Lien that Beowolves will focus on me.
Sienna: Up. I bet twenty they won't.
Me: Sure, then I also bet twenty.

We bump fists.

Ghira: Don't do that, it will bring bad luck.

We both roll our eyes and follow.

As suddenly Ark runs to Ghira.

Ark: Beowolves... ah.. in front of us... ah...

He pats his shoulder, we got on the small hill and see Beowolves... coming to our direction...

Me: I hate it.
Sienna: Same, same-
She pats my shoulder and suddenly stops.

Sienna: Your eyes, they are on flames again.
Me: ... f*ck me.

Ghira: Language. And get ready, there's 7 Beowolves in that pack.

Me/Sienna: Sure/Yes Sir.

I look at incoming Grimm... are they focused on me? Or not?

Ghira: You know the plan.

Sienna: Yeah yeah, me and Akira. Team.

He nods, as I get my bow ready and an arrow. I slowly get ready for a shot....

I aim at one of Beowolves... but the next one to him is bigger than the rest?

Me: That's... an Alpha?

Ghira nods, as I release my arrow and hit one... bullseye!

Me: In the eye!

Ghira: Try getting the Alpha.

Me: I will.

I take another arrow and pull the string... I wait as Beowolves come closer.....

Closer.... closer....  Alpha stops for a moment and howls, I release the arrow and hit its front leg.

I place my bow down and unsheathe my sword.

Sienna: I'll go for legs, you for head.

I nod, this looks kinda bad....

Did they.....

Sienna: Did they all..... turn at you?
Me: Yes...?

Our Aura's flare up.... and my capacity is a little bit bigger? Okay....

Everyone starts fighting against Grimm, most solo, few in pairs.
Me and Sienna fight against the Alpha as Ghira fights a Beowolf next to us.

Sienna goes for his legs with her whip, as I try to slash at its face but it jumps back...
As I try backing off, closer to Sienna, the Alpha jumps towards me and tries clawing at my hand as I block it barely with the sword.

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