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            "That's great news! I'm glad to hear that. ... Okay. I'll come visit later. ... Okay. Bye"

Hyunjae turn off the call.

"Who is it from?" asked Eric.

"Sangyeon. He said Haknyeon is awake" said Hyunjae.

"Really! That's a great news!" said Younghoon.

"We can visit him, right?" asked Eric.

"Well, now is visit time. We still have time. We can go now" said Hyunjae.

"Let's go! Let's go!"

Eric is excited to meet Haknyeon. Everyone did. Except Sunwoo. Sunwoo seem just sit silently on the sofa. Hyunjae walk to him.

"Hey, don't you want to meet Haknyeon?" asked Hyunjae.

"I want to but..."


"I'm afraid. What if that incident happen again? What if she does it to Sangyeon hyung and the others if she sees me with them? They might be in trouble because of me" said Sunwoo.

"Hey. Listen to me"

Hyunjae cupped Sunwoo head and pull him up to his gaze.

"I won't let that ever happen to them. I promise you that" said Hyunjae.


"No but. Trust me. Sangyeon and the others is capable to defend themselves if something bad happened to them. You need to trust them" said Hyunjae.

Sunwoo stay still for a moment before he nodded.

"Good. Now get yourself ready. We go to the hospital to visit Haknyeon. I'm sure you will be more assure to see him" said Hyunjae and patted Sunwoo's head.


"I'm so glad you awake, Haknyeon" said Changmin.

"Thank you, Changmin hyung" said Haknyeon.

"How do you feel, Haknyeon?" asked Juyeon.

"Feel more better" said Haknyeon.

"But hyung... you..."

Haknyeon smile.

"I know. Kevin hyung had told me everything. It's not my luck" said Haknyeon.

"But it her fault you become like this" said Eric sad.

"I don't know what her reason is but for now, I am glad I'm still alive" said Haknyeon.

"You are" said Sunwoo.

"How you're doing, Sunwoo?" asked Haknyeon.

"I'm fine. I got your present, hyung" said Sunwoo.

"Is yours safe?" asked Haknyeon.

"Yes. Jacob hyung give me the present you want give to me and I already try use it" said Sunwoo.

"Do you like it?" asked Haknyeon.

"Yes. I like it" said Sunwoo.

"I was afraid if you don't like it. Fortunately, I choose the right scent" said Haknyeon.

"Thank you, hyung. I really want to say it" said Sunwoo.

Haknyeon caress Sunwoo's hair.

"So, what are you gonna do now?" asked Eric.

"I'm gonna get rehab starting tomorrow. They said I should be able to get on wheelchair on myself when I release from hospital later" said Haknyeon.

"Fighting, hyung" said Eric.

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